Part 1: "New World, strange powers."

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I was now not only on a wholly entire new world. But I was now older and I now somehow poses abilities.

Whoa. How did I? I was just floating. Now I really do need to find some help. But first I had better find some new clothes.

The ones that I had currently has on, were now all torn up. Lucky for me as I was searching around the ship, I had managed to find some clothes from my world.

It was a red and white outfit, that had look like a combination of Martian mixed with Egyptian. A golden belt. And two gold bracelets. That should do it. At least I can wear this.

Hey, what's this? Right next to the seat where I had sleep at. Was some kind of device? I had placed it on my rest, over the bracelet.

And it said. "Charging." I guess that it needs to charge. Well while it doses that, I must find someone who can help. I walk through the woods for a good few hours.

Until I had spotted in the distance what had look to be some kind of city. It had in some ways reminded me of some cities on my world. Only they had shine like beacons of hope.

Whereas this one, was shrouded in darkness. And had a not so welcoming feeling. More like a place where people went to die.

Well, it may not look great but, it will have to do. I had hop onto the back of what the people of the world would call a truck. And into the city it took me.

But once inside of it. I thought it look bad on the outside. The inside was a nightmare. The people all had look miserable. There were men dress in black and dark gray uniforms.

And above the top of the buildings were large aircrafts that look like prisoner transports. I was fill with an overwhelming rush of horror.

I could almost not breath or hardly stand. The felling was too much that I had almost past out in the street. One person did walk over to me to ask me.

Hey, are you okay? Huh? Oh yes. I'm sorry, I was just. Overwhelmed by this place? Yeah, it happens to everyone who comes here.

I guess you're from out of town? More like from another world. Hey you. I like that outfit, very cool. Um, I feel fine. But thank you. Kind looks almost like monarchs.

Who? I had asked him? Monarch. He's the guy who runs this place. Or I guess you can say, rules it and two other cities. So, he is the reason why your city is this way.

You bet. And he dresses like me? Well kind. I mean his has sent silver in it. But red and white top. White Collar. Navy blue pants. Gold belt and bracelets.

Just looks way better. Hmm. I said as I had pondered. Then he must be from the same world as me then. Come again? Um, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name.

Oh, you can call me Aj. Call me Carol. Okay, Carol. Aj, I said to him. Could tell me why are there so many guards everywhere. It makes this place feel more like a prison.

Oh, those are Monarch superhuman enforcers. There everywhere to report if there are any people with abilities. And if there are?

Then they either have to work for him or they get a public execution. That awful. And most people who live in here, are super beings.

Are you one? I had asked. He had look around and had whisper in my ear. The truth is I am. But like most people with gifts I have to keep them hidden. For those reasons.

Well that is just horrible. No should be force to choose between things like that. That should have to happen. Maybe where you from. But ever since he came here and unleashed those strange black orbs.

Overview by John Fritz 7/24/2022Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ