Part 2" The Langs."

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Off in the distance were the sounds of strange sounds. And something fuzzy was tickling my nose. When I had open my eyes. Sitting on me while looking at me was.

Some kind of strange creature. It had two pointy ears. Yellow and orange fur. And two green, yellow eyes. I look at it and at some point had ask it.

Um, hello there. Who are you? But all it had said was. "Meow." Okay. Oh, wow. Said a man. Look who's finally awake.

Sorry about zip here. He just likes to meet new people. But I hope that he didn't bother you. Oh, no. I told him. He was just sitting on me. Yeah he dose that.

The man, who had now sat down on a small chair next to me. Had seem very nice and well dress. He look to be about six foot tall.

Had blond hair, blue eyes. Was dress in light brown pants. A dark blue, college shirt. And had dark brown shoes on.

From the way that he had his hair park, had the characteristics of someone who had use to serve. Well I see that out guest is awaken.

Then suddenly a lady with, light brown hair, brown eyes. Had walk in next. How are you feeling love. She had ask me. Oh, I had groan all sore like.

I guess okay. I feel as if I had been hit by some kind of rocket. From all of that flying that you did. We can see why. Here, drink this. It will help.

Thank you. I took a sip. This is good. What is it? It's called tea. The women said. With a little honey. It's good. Right, he said. We can make you something to eat if you want.

Thank you. But I'm okay. I look all around and found that I was in another strange place. So where am I now? Your inside our home.

The lady had assured me. And don't worry. Those guys won't find you here. Were pretty far out from the city. Said the man. Your safe here.

So how did I arrive here? Well, after we had left the city. We were on our way home. When we say in the sky someone fight those "Storm Troopers."

We saw you crash out into that cornfield. And just before they could find you. We had quickly got you into our truck and we brought you back here.

You saved me? Yep. Thank you. But if you don't mind me asking, how did you get my ship. Well, we found that while we were out on a picnic.

Then we had just heard this loud booming sound like something had exploded. We had went to check it out and that's when we had found your ship.

We knew that monarch and his boys would find it soon and if they did then, it would not be good. I know what you mean, I told them. I've seen what he has done to some of the people of this planet.

This planet? The said sounding confused. So your not from earth then. Said the men. No, actually, I am from a planet called Orion. And it is located in the Orion galaxy.

Orion? So you are from the same planet as Monarch then. That is what I keep hearing. Who is he? No body knows.

We just know that he just shown up from the sky 33 years ago. Wait 33 years? So that means that, I have been in space for 33 years. My planet was killed that long ago.

Oh no. I guess that means that you and monarch are the last ones of your kind. The man said. Were so sorry, um?

Carol. My name is Carol. My name is my name is is Haley lang and this is my husband. Chris lang. It's nice to meet you. And, we're sorry for your loss.

Thank you. Just as I said that, I had look behind me and I saw a photo of them in uniforms. Is this the two of you?

It is. Haley had responded. Chris and I were both in the air force. He was from the United States air force. And her, British. We were both rookies air fighters. When.

Overview by John Fritz 7/24/2022Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz