Part 3: "learn to fly."

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No words. There were just no words. I couldn't say anything. My father message had not only told me that my uncle was the one that had created these superhumans.

But that he had destroyed our home and killed his own brother, all because he wanted to be a god. All of this was a lot to take in.

So, I just sat outside. Staring off into the field of corn. With nothing but the night breeze blowing in my face. As both Chris and Haley came out to check on me.

Carol? You okay? They had asked me. No, I'm not. So much has happened. I lost my father. I lost my home. And I ended up on a world where my uncle has taken over.

I was a sleep-in space for 33 years. And when I had awakened here. I was captivated on how beautiful this world was. Didn't know anyone here. But I met so very nice people.

Your world reminds me so much of my world. Which is why I can't let my uncle ruin it like he ruined our world. I want payback. But most importantly, I don't want what happened to my world happen to yours.

These powers are new to me so. I need your help. Help learn what I can do. So that I can help you take back your home. You're going to help us?

Haley had asked me? Only if you can help me. Because I can't do this alone. So, will you? I had almost thought that they would say no. I think, we have a new mission Haley.

I'm I was wrong. We'll start tomorrow. But in the meantime let's pullout some old plans. Chris had gone back inside where they had pulled out old plan of weapons on how to take Monarch down.

And just before the sun had rose up. Old friends of Chris and Haley had shown up at the door step. And had brought with some of the gadgets they had collecting dust.

Where Chris and had. We were heading back into the woods to where my ship had touchdown. Only we were going further into the woods.

To where Monarch and his enforcers could not reach us. We had arrived in a wide-open field that was an abandoned airfield called. Welcome to Overview air force field.

This is where we train soldiers. This is where we will train you. I learned here. And it's where I like to go to get away. And to see how my plane is doing.

This is your plan. It was. She still looks great. She? It's a plan. To others. But to a guy, a plan, a car, or a ship. Is a she to them.

Hmm? So, what are we doing first. Strength. How hard can you punch? I hit a forest beast and stent it flying I think, 15 yards away. Okay then.

See this old jeep. I want to focus and hit it as hard as you can. Okay. Now remember the key to a perfect punch is about focus and power.

Master both of those and you can do some real damage. Got it. Now hit it as hard as you can. I did and with just a hard-enough punch.

I had knocked the engine right out of the jeep, and through the hanger, leaving a large hole in the wall. Um, like that? That will do.

The next one is speed. From what I saw and from what your uncle can do. You both seem to have super speed. From the air, you have the speed of a jet. Let's how fast you can move on the ground.

This run way is 13,000 feet long. And I want you to run down there and back. Got it. And Go! And like a rocket blasting off. Went a loud Boom!

I had run all the way down to the target and had then ran right back to the starting point. And when Chris had saw my readings, his eyes were as wide as saucers.

So how fast was that? Wow. You just ran at a top speed of Mach 2, 700 mph. That fast? That's faster than any plan I have ever seen.

You were moving as fast as. As a rocket. I guess we know how fast you uncle might move then. If he has been on earth longer then you.

Overview by John Fritz 7/24/2022Where stories live. Discover now