Chapter 32: Paparazzi

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You sit on the couch waiting for Demi to finish getting ready. Christmas and New Years have passed. The tour starts back up soon and you and Demi plan to spend your last day seeing a movie. You're scrolling through twitter on your phone. Before you met Demi, you created a lovatic fanpage on twitter. You still get on it sometimes to see what lovatics are saying about Demi. Some are talking about how amazing the tour is so far. You've also noticed a lot of tweets talking about you and Demi. Why is everyone tweeting about you and Demi? You keep scrolling.

"If Demi's a lesbian my life is complete." One of the tweets says.

"I HOPE THE RUMORS ARE TRUE!" Another one says. What are they talking about? What rumors?

"Wait, is it true Demi's dating her guitar player?" What? How do they know? Or at least why do they think that? You and Demi had been pretty careful in public. You see another tweet.

"Demi and y/n were totally flirting on stage." Oh my god, you totally forgot how you and Demi were acting on stage. You two were always making eye contact and winking at each other. She even changed the lyrics 'Who's That Boy' to 'Who's That Girl' one time. You didn't think either of you made it that obvious though, so why are people assuming you're dating? You scroll through a few more similar tweets until you come across a picture. It's of you and Demi, holding hands.

About a week ago, you both went on a date to a restaurant. On the way back to the car you were both holding hands. Demi didn't see any paparazzi so she said it was okay. Apparently there were paparazzi. In the picture, you're both clearly holding hands and you're looking at Demi with a big smile. The picture was retweeted a couple hundred times. Oh shit.

Well, it's just holding hands. Friends can hold hands. You read through the comments on the picture.
You laugh a little. Lovatics are silly. Well at least you now know you and Demi will have support from the lovatics. As far as you've seen, they all seem to really want the rumors to be true.
"Ready?" Demi walks in.
"One sec, come here." Demi sits down and you show her everything you were just reading, including the picture.

"They're on to us." You say. "We're terrible at keeping this a secret." You and Demi giggle.

"They seem to be excited about it." She says.

"Are you gonna confirm it yet?" You ask her.

"Not yet. It's kinda fun keeping them waiting." You both laugh.

"You're evil." You tell her. But you do agree with her. It is kinda fun teasing the lovatics. You and Demi leave the house and get in your car. You pull into the movie theater parking lot.

"What movie you wanna see?" Demi asks.

"I don't care, you pick." Demi decides on a movie and you both get out the car. As you're walking to the front door, Demi grabs your hand and slides her fingers in between yours. You look around and notice a few people are around. You start to feel really happy. Demi doesn't seem to care as much about being so secretive. You give her hand a little squeeze. She just looks at you and smiles. God you love her so much.

After buying the tickets, Demi goes to get good seats while you go buy popcorn. You finish paying and head to the theater. You walk in and spot Demi. As you're going up the stairs, your foot misses a step and you fall face first, sending popcorn everywhere.

You hit your head pretty hard and you mumble the word 'fuck'. You hear Demi's loud squeaky laugh along with a few others in the seats. You laugh while in pain and cover your head where it hurts. You're looking down but you hear Demi get up.

"Y/n.. Are you..okay??" She asks in between laughs. She walks over to you and helps you up.

"I dropped the popcorn," you say, still holding your head. You can start to feel a headache. Demi giggles.

"Forget the popcorn silly, how's your head?" She moves your hand and looks at your forehead.

"Fine but I'm getting a headache."

"Okay, I have stuff you can take. Let's go get some more popcorn." She takes your hand and starts to walk with you out of theater.

As soon as you both step out the door, you're faced with an extremely bright flash. You let go of Demi's hand to cover your eyes. It practically blinds you for a second and makes your headache worse. More flashes come and you start hearing people calling for you and Demi. Paparazzi. Someone must have leaked that Demi was here. The flashes continue. There are so many that you lost track of Demi. You look for her but can barely see anything. You can't make out any of the questions the paparazzi are asking.

Suddenly you feel someone grab your hand and pull you away. You realize it's Demi. She pulls you into the nearest bathroom. The noise and flashes go away once the door closes.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Demi says. She looks frustrated. "How do they always find me!?" She raises her voice. "I'm so sorry y/n. Ugh you're not ready for this yet!" Demi is pacing back and forth. You grab her shoulder to stop her.

"Demi it's okay, you can't help it." You try to calm her down.

"I just wish we could have some privacy!"

"I know baby, but believe me it's okay." She seems to relax a little bit. "What do you mean I'm not ready for it?"

"Y/n... The paparazzi will never leave you alone. Especially once we open up about our relationship. You can't go anywhere without being bothered by someone who wants a picture. You won't get anymore privacy. You'll be followed by big crowds. With your anxiety, I don't know how you'll handle it." You do get really panicked in big crowds. If you're swarmed by fans and paparazzi you'll probably have a panic attack. You didn't really think about all this stuff.

"It will take time to get used to, but I think I'm ready."

"Baby, there's a lot more than just that." She pauses. How can there be more? Geez, maybe you're not ready.
"There will be so many fake articles and rumors about us. People may try to break us apart. There will be lots of haters. People will say cruel things. They will try to tear you apart." Her words start to sink in a little. "It may seem like I'm being dramatic, but I'm not. People say hurtful things all the time. They don't care what affect it has on you. They will criticize everything you say and do. I'm not saying this to scare you, or come up with an excuse to keep out relationship hidden. Believe me, I want to share you with the world more than anything. I'm saying this because I care about you. Y/n you're very sensitive. I don't want you to get hurt." Wow, you didn't really realize how hard being a celebrity is. Why would people try to break you and Demi apart? Why would they say hurtful things? It makes you sad. You just want to hold Demi's hand and kiss her in public without worrying about people seeing you guys.

"How do you handle all of that stuff?"

"You know, I've sort of learned to stop listening to what the haters say. They're not important to me. My lovatics, friends, family, and you are. So I make sure that's what I surround myself with. People who make me happy. If you have people who make you happy, then the haters mean nothing." Demi makes you happy, as long as you have her you think you'll be fine.

"Well, I have you. I think I can handle the haters with you by my side." Demi thinks for a second.

"Are you sure you're ready?" She asks. You're more than ready. You're willing to face whatever the media and haters throw at you.

"I'm ready." Demi smiles and takes your hand. You both walk up to the bathroom door. Before Demi opens it, she turns and kisses you on the lips.

"Let's go show the world how lucky I am." Demi says. You kiss her one more time.

"Let's do this." Still holding hands, Demi pushes the bathroom door open, and once again, you're met with the blinding camera flashes.

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