Chapter 21: Gone Forever

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You quickly sit up in your bed. The room is dark. You look to your left and don't see Demi anywhere. You call out her name but no one answers. Your eyes adjust to the darkness and you realize you are not at Demi's house. You are back in your old room in the house where you lived with your dad. How did you get here? Panic begins to set in. You start to feel very uncomfortable. Chills run down your spine as you're faced with an overwhelming feeling of fear. Someone is in the room with you. You can feel it's presence. It's eyes are on you, watching your every move. You look around the room. Your eyes adjust a little more and you finally see it. You make contact with it's red eyes. You know exactly who it is. The same monster who chased you in your first dream. The same monster who gave you every scratch and bruise on your body. The monster who ruined your life, your dad. The monster lunges from it's spot and attacks you. You scream for Demi as you sob. The monster pins you against your bed. You try to fight back, but it's too strong. You cry for help, but no one hears you. It grabs you by the neck and starts to choke you. You gasp for air as the monster squeezes harder. You start to become lightheaded when you suddenly wake up.

You sit up so fast that you immediatly wince in pain from your broken ribs. Your heart beats fast and your heavy breathing wakes Demi up.

"Y/n, whats wrong?" She puts her hands on you but you scream and push her away, thinking it was your dad. You start to hyperventilate and uncontrollably sob. "Y/n it's me Demi" She says putting her hands on you again.

"No! Stop! Dad, please!!" You shout. You try to push Demi away again. She grabs your face and looks you in the eyes.

"Y/n look at me, it's me Demi. I'm not going to hurt you. Please y/n!" You look in Demi's eyes and stop fighting her. "Baby, it's ok, trust me." She tries to calm you down. You look her in the eyes.

"Demi..." You say through your shaky voice. "I'm sorry..." You continue sobbing. Demi pulls you into a tight hug. "I'm sorry." You repeat over and over. She continues to comfort you.

"It's ok baby, it was just a dream, you're safe with me. Your dad can't get you anymore." She holds you until your breathing calms and your heart slows to a normal pace. After the tears finally stop, you slowly drift back to sleep in Demi's arms.

You wake up the next morning in the same position. You turn your head and see Demi, who is still sleeping. She's so beautiful even when she's asleep, and she's all yours. You love her so much. She makes you feel so happy. Seriously, how did you get so lucky? You admire her for a second before you decide to wake her up. You place your hand on her cheek and kiss her forehead. She moves a little as she starts to wake up. You lift her chin to look at you. She opens her eyes and smiles. You kiss her on the lips.

"Hey beautiful." Demi says.

"Good morning."

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright." You think back to your dream last night. "He attacked me in my dream and I couldn't escape." You could feel a tear in your eye so you quickly brought your left arm up to wipe it away. "I have a lot of nightmares about my dad." You look down at Demi and notice she's not looking at you. She's looking at your left wrist. She takes her thumb and traces your scars. Another tear comes but you don't try and stop it. "Once my dad started hitting me, it bothered me that I wasn't in control of pain I felt." Your voice sounds shaky. "I started cutting because it made me feel like I was in control. Soon it just became a regular thing, and I couldn't stop." Demi doesn't say anything, which is understandable. It's hard to find words to respond to that. She just sits there tracing your scars. You see a tear fall down her cheek. You pull her face to yours and give her a passionate kiss. She pulls away and looks you in the eyes.

"Everything's gonna be okay." She assures you. She kisses you again. Ths kiss lasts a few seconds. You pull away and quickly reconnect. She slowly slides her hands down to your waist and continues kissing you. You can feel her lightly tug on the hem of your shirt. Your kissing becomes a little more intense and you feel both of your breathing quicken. You can feel her heart beating fast on your chest. Before it can go any further, you hear a knock at the door. Demi quickly pulls away and rolls off of you.

"Come in." She says. The door opens and Dianna walks in.

"Hey girls, how are you feeling?" she says looking at you.

"Really good." You say giving a small smirk at Demi. She quietly giggles.

"That's good!" Dianna says. "Y/n, a few minutes ago I received a call from the police department. Your dad was arrested last night. He admitted to everything and was sentenced to a lifetime in prison." You can't believe what you're hearing. Is this really happening? Your dad is finally being punished and he is gone forever. You never have to worry about him hurting you anymore. You're so overwhelmed with emotion that you burst into tears. Demi pulls you into a hug.

"I'm free" You say through tears.

"And you're safe." Demi adds. Dianna walks up and gives you a hug as well.

"I think today we should go over to your old house and get all your items." Dianna says. "You up for it?" You nod your head. "Great! I'll go make some lunch while you two get ready." Dianna walks out and shuts the door.

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