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First, welcome to Depression n Co. We are glad that you're here, and we are thrilled to tour you through our company.

However, before we even start, there are some trigger warnings.

Do not go on beyond this point if you get triggered by matters listed below:


Depression and Personality Disorders.

Anxiety and other forms of Mental Phenomenons.

"Attention Seeking".


Different races, languages, and different systems of spelling and punctuation. 

Depression n Co holds no responsibility for any of the real-life matters that happen/happened/will happen. Depression n Co is purely fictional.

We take no homophobes, sexists, and/or racists, and absolutely no plagiarizers. 

This is not any form of anything political. Please do not take this as evidence or use this literary piece to convict anyone anything.

If you wish to continue, we would love to accompany you through Depression n Co.

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