Brain Fog

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"Wow, that's cool." A young man in a suit said from beside as the trolley slowly guided us through the interiors of the building, "Sounds nice!"

The tour guide turned around and squinted at him under his mysterious veil he wore. Then he asked, "What's your name, young fella?"

"I'm Mitte Keegi from Estonia." 

"Great, Mitte, then you might as well try out this product here," The tour guide pointed towards the right, "Here, I present to you, the Brain Fog.

Brain Fog is another favourite product of our buyers. It is amongst one of the most common, including people that do not have Depression and others that have developed early signs of Mental Phenomenons. 

Brain Fog, different from Demotivation, lasts for around a day per time. It is up to you really if you want to take it the next day to continue your experience. One of the coolest results of brain fog might be losing a job, decreased ability to remember, and the shrinkage of your grey area. It helps you obliterate your brain neurons faster.

However, of course there are side effects:

Several users have left a one-star comment under our product, Brain Fog, saying that adequate water and balanced diets would actually exterminate the effects. Also, some say that the reduction of long-term stress would make the effects wear off. 

So again, take it at your own risk.

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