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"I've decided about my purchase." I raised my hand as the trolley was about to enter another area.

"Are you absolutely sure?" the tour guide asked.


"Well, then you're welcome to recollect yourself and take your orders to the counter by the exit, just like that therapist." the tour guide pointed at the ground, "But before that, do you have any questions you would like to ask about any of our products you want?"

"Not really, your tour was quite thorough, I got all my information there," I nodded, "thank you for your service!" 

"We look forward to your return for premium purchases," said the tour guide, "the counter is that way." 

I sluggishly pulled myself towards the counter, as I told the counter staff what I would like; The Classic Depression Starter Pack, starring Brain Fog, Demotivation, Negativity, Insomnia, and others.

"You're just in luck. This package is on special price right now. You only have to pay most of your pleasure and in turn, we'll give you excessive pressure."

"That's it?" I eyed the counter staff exhaustedly. 

"Yes, sir."

So I took out a spoon, and scooped into my heart. Scoop once. Scoop twice. Scoop thrice. Scoop until I find that it is hollow. Then, I stopped.

I put the spoon and the ex-me I've scooped out of myself on the counter, and the counter staff nodded.

"That's it," he said, "You are free to leave now." 

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