neighbours | ii

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ib : everytime we touch- casada

"EVERYTIME WE TOUCH I SWEAR I CAN FLY," Lucy sung at the top of her voice, while dancing around the kitchen. Completely unaware her husband had just returned from an AVL meeting, she grabbed a wooden spoon, beginning to belt the words out as if the implement was an microphone.

"Is that so Luce?" A chuckle left his lips as he pulled the younger woman's hips closer to him "Is that so?"

"Yeah, yeah it is true as a matter of fact, Mr Gru," a smirk rode her lips as she pushed them against her husband's.

"Well," he kissed back "Mrs Gru. Isn't that a coincidence?"

"Or maybe, just maybe, it's becuase we're married," she rested a hand on his chest "And that's how happily married couples feel about each other. And I am very happily married, i can tell you."

"oh well that's lovely to hear, especially as a very happily married man myself," That made Lucy grin.

"Schon dich kennenzulernen, auf Wiedersehen," Margo waved and shut the front door.

"W-who was that Margo was talking to? Was it a boy?" Gru gasped, his hands still protectively over his wife.

"Ohh we got new neighbours today. They have a teenage boy. Same age as Margo. German Family. Very sweet." She caressed the back of her husbands hand with her gentle fingers, and used her thumb to coat his wedding ring.

"Margo got a b-b-boyfriend???"

"Honey you're not hearing me," she patted his arm, before resting her hand there "We, the Gru family, have new neighbours. The new neighbours, have a son. The son is called Michel. Michel is the same age as Margo. Michel will be in Margo's class. Margo wants to be nice and the parents want him to have a friend. She can be his friend, yes?"

Gru swallowed and nodded, knowing his wife was 10 times better at dealing with this than him.

"And if Margo wants to date him, that's okay too. And we will support her."

He swallowed again as a firm look fell upon his wife. "Won't we?" She said more firmly, folding her arms.

"Ye-es, yes we will," he nodded.

"We wouldn't want her to miss out on something like what we have, would we?" She played with his wedding ring "the most immense happiness I have ever felt."

He nodded again"Hang on, Margo knows German?" He looked at her confused

"I taught her a few bits," Lucy shrugged

"Hang on, you know German?" His eyebrows became knitted. To which his wife nodded.

"i learnt it for a mission," her hands cascaded around his waist, and she pulled herself closer to him "Ich liebe dich," she giggled, gently pressing her lips against his.


"I said i love you!" She laughed

"Oh-" he scratched his head "i thought yo- oh I love you too," he chuckled

"If I could get married to you again, i would in a heartbeat," she giggled, looking down at him

He held her waist, "Me too honey, me too,"

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