british school || v

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Planes had never been Lucy's favourite place to be. But there was something about being in her husbands arms that made the journey a whole lot more bearable.

"I don't get it. Why is she scared? She's been on planes before and seemed excited, she was even going to Australia for goodness sake!" Edith groaned, more annoyed at the prospect she now had to sit on a row with both her parents and her siblings got to be in front. Initially, the plan was Edith and Agnes sat with Gru, and Lucy sat in front with Margo.

"As i have explained, for the last 11 and a half hours, we're moving across the world. To live there. She's allowed to be worried, just as your gurls ar- Agnes not the whole bag please-" He took a bag of sweets off her and then offered one to Lucy.

"Hey! That's mine!" She tried to grab it back.

"You can have more later, Agnes. Once your mother and I have finished unpacking, then we can sit down and watch a fil-"

"And I can eat my unicorn poop!" She stood up on the seat excitedly

"And you, can eat, your unicorn poop," he sighed, putting the bag in his pocket. "Just sit down please Agnes,"

The young girl frowned but complied.

For the remaining half an hour or so, Gru managed to entertain the younger two with start of a film, and watched them, with a smile on his face, until he felt a hand reach into his jacket pocket. "Out Mrs Lucy Gru," he hit Lucy's hand playfully.

A pout fell on her face as she got full named.

"Later. You already have enough energy as it is-" he looked at her.

"How am I being energetic? I'm just being cuddly." She pouted back, forcing a chuckle from her husband, to which she laughed.

All three girls screamed with excitement as the plane touched down. And it only took them an hour or so to get to their new home.

**** the next day ****

"What do you mean school? It's July! It's the summer," Margo looked up from her text conversation with Avery at her father.

"I know huni, but in England, school doesn't finish until the end of July. You will be in high school, your first year only for this month. Edith will be in year 4, and Agnes will be in year 1, in Primary School."

"High School? I'm 12!" The brunette exclaimed, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Oh what was the other name," Gru pinched the bridge of his nose and turned his head towards his wife.

Lucy smiled and lowered herself on the back of the sofa "Secondary," she placed a hand on Gru's back. "Listen it's only until the 23rd, 21st for Edith and Agnes,"

"Oh that is so unfair!" Her arms folded over her chest, slouching into the back. She huffed before pushing herself up, striding aggressively up to her room.

"Oh Just you wait until she finds out about the uniforms," A chuckle left Lucy's lips before resting her head against her husband's chest "Bagsy not me,"

Although Gru couldn't see her face, he could just hear the smirk in her voice.


I've started so many of these and got to around 300 words and then am not sure how to end them so just get used to random endings like this  :)

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