Why im not writing for a bit

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Here's a quick explanation, I'm just reading lots of lapidot stories to get out of writers block. And my inspiration for writing is small, but I'm still alive and I will try make more this in the near future.

But I am just gonna write a quick something below because I'd like to write something that's not the story.

'You were in your normal peridot dream land. All about tech and stuff, but while you were enjoying your amazing dream you fell into a deep pit and landed harshly on your back. "Ow." You said to no one, it was all black around you and the only light source being the top of the pit you were in.

"What a loser, people like them don't belong in this world. Beat her up." you heard a familiar voice say. You suddenly realized it was jasper and her goons. You then saw multiple people coming out from the darkness with weapons, no guns though.

'Dumbass get up and defend yourself ' you thought to yourself. But by the time you got up, you were pushed back down really hard and nearly passed out. Everything was blurry, but you still saw yourself about to get hit with an axe.'

*Gasp* You woke up from your nightmare at about 5:30 in the morning, "this damn dream keeps annoying me and waking me up" you said to yourself. That damn Jasper bullied you that to the point that you had nightmares of her, it was annoying to say the least. But you still had them. You were pretty hungry, so you got outta bed and went to go get a snack.

It was summer break, and you had nothing better to do, so you got your snack and watched some tv. You hated waking up from that nightmare. Sometimes you'd wake someone up because you were yelling.

But nothing helped, you got it every three times a week or so. And it got worse every time. As you were thinking, a voice brought you back to reality, it was somewhat deep and British. 'Garnet' you thought.
"Did you get the nightmare again?"

"Yep, why else would I be up at 5 in the morning?" You said annoyed.
"You got me there, also we need you to get some stuff at Walmart."
"Is this one of your attempts to get me out of the house?"
"Fine, but only because I 'have' to do this."

Time skip because they leave at 10 am

"Here you go P-dot, that's what we need."
"Thanks, I'll be back at like 12." It was a nice cool, Saturday morning in August. And you admired that for a couple seconds before you got in your vehicle and looked at the list for a minute before starting your car and backing out of the driveway.
"Guess I'll go get a coffee or something, I'm really 'that' stupid to have not had one this morning."

You were kinda bored without music, so you stopped when the light was red, and went to Spotify to play your favourite song. Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood, you were jamming and singing along. You got to the Walmart and sang your favourite part as you were parking. " 'CAUSE ITS TOO CO-OOO-OO-O-OO-OO-OLD, FOR YOU HEERE. AND NOW, SO LET ME HO-OOO-OO-O-OO-OOO-OLD BOTH YOUR HANDS IN THE HOLES OF MY SWEATER!" Everyone around you in the Walmart parking lot was looking at your car
"Damn, I jammed too much I guess." You said

You finished your song and got out of your car still kinda embarrassed, it was pretty chill this morning, not too many people were at Walmart at this hour, so you didn't have to worry about people crowding the place.

You grabbed a cart and started getting your items from around the store. But while you were getting some books for you to read, your cart was bumped by another person. You looked up and saw a bluenette with a cart and looking for a book too.
"S-sorry, I wasn't looking and started moving to get something e-else."the bluenette said.
"I-it's fine, it was just an accident." You mentally face palmed, 'wtf- wtf- wtf- STOP BLUSHING!', yeah you were definitely a blushing mess.

You looked away, found the book you've been looking for, put it in your cart. And speed walked to checkout in the span of 10 seconds. You were pretty embarrassed, and you also acted like a damn fool. 'She was kinda cute tho- No! No! No! Stop thinking about it, fool.'

Little time skip~

You were back at your car, putting your paid items in your trunk. When all of a sudden you saw the bluenette putting their stuff away into the car right beside you. you started blushing and placing your bags in the trunk a little faster. Once your were all done, you put your cart away at one of those things, walked back to your car and got in. And of course put some music on.
"Hmm... ah! Yes, this'll do!"
You clicked on a Daft Punk album and played. It played Get Lucky, one of your favourite songs with Pharrell Williams and Daft Punk.

As you were about to back out, the bluenette's car door opened and she entered her car. Once her door closed, you backed out and made your way back to your roommate's house. Your were just driving when you noticed that the bluenette's car was right behind you.
"What the hell... is she following me?"
You perked your head up and kept glancing back at your rear view mirror to keep checking if they were following you.

You made it to your neighbourhood and checked, "Damn, she's still following me." You said with a little worry in your voice. You parked into the driveway and knocked on the door to get them to help you put the stuff away. Once they came out you sighed in relief and went to your trunk to get the stuff and for y'all to hall it inside.

"Dude, you seem tense... you okay?"
"I really don't know, while I was at Walmart, I bumped into someone and I-I've been seeing them around me somehow. I even saw them following me when I was coming back. Didn't check where they went after I parked in the driveway. That's what's bothering me I guess."
"Describe them."
"Um... tan, blue hair, couple inches taller then me... cute..."
All three of them looked at you and you looked at them back with a confused look.
Amethyst started laughing hard and pointed out to what I said. You were again a blushing mess, you covered your face with your hands and groaned in annoyance.

"Yeah, fuck you too Amethyst. Could we hurry up and put these inside and away? I'd like that right now" "Fine, hahaha! I can't believe you actually said that!" but... little did you know that she was your neighbor, and that she was listening to your guy's conversation the whole time.

(And, that's the little thing i wanted to write! I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. I've just been doing what it says at the top of this chapter. But do have a wonderful day/night, and keep reading! Oh yeah, this is human lapidot obviously, but just letting you know. AND, last thing, I might make this a story so yeah. )

Peridot x Female! Half gem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now