HFC | Chapter XI

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Chapter XI | His Business pt. I

Friday night...

Many conversations float around the venue as they wait for the host. The suit and tie event is held every year. Local business women and men attend along with politicians. There's always talk about bettering the community and building job opportunities. Phaedra has been to plenty of them in the past. Her father had donated millions to the community so Phaedra kept that going. On the other hand, it's Dro's first time attending and he doesn't know what to expect. A few people had stopped to talk to him and he engaged in the conversation for a while. Most conversations were political which didn't peak his interest.

He had his own thoughts on the system but kept those comments to himself. Politics can be small minded. Drinking his liquor, he listens to a few people converse about the charity event of the evening. He tuned them out as he searched the crowd for Phae. The two attended together and went their separate ways. He sees her talking to few people and from her facial expression he could tell it was about business. He excuses himself through the crowd while making his way over towards her. Feeling his presence behind her, she turns to him and extends a hand with a bright smile.

"Adonis, this is Terry and Aliza. They own the new dispensary on the west side of town. They're looking for a supplier." Phaedra says while gently pushing Dro forward. He shakes hands with the couple and gives a warm smile.

"Y'all new in town?" Dro questions while arching an eyebrow.

"No, well not to the area. We've been here before but we just brought property six months ago." Terry explains. Dro arches an eyebrow in suspicion as Phaedra wraps an arm around his, signifying to relax. She understands he has his guard up but he can trust them. Phaedra has known them for a long time.

"You've been here but haven't made any connections?" The couple both laugh off his intimidating demeanor and look over Phaedra who joins them.

"We had a promising one but someone decided to stand us up." Aliza jokes while staring right at her. Dro shifts his attention to Phaedra, seeing she's holding her own. She wasn't folding under pressure. She was more playing a role.

"Well with growth comes change. However, I didn't forget my promise. I've found you a supplier didn't I?" Terry nods while intertwining his fingers with Aliza.

"That's if he wants to give the OG's a chance. Everyone else turned their nose up at us." He says and Dro nods, nodding his head over towards Phaedra.

"Well if the wife promised a deal I can come through with it." He assures as the two become surprised at the answer.

"That would be wonderful, thank you." Aliza says as they shake hands.

"It's no problem to a fellow neighbor. Do you have a business card?" Terry pats himself and locates the cards in the breast pocket of his jacket.

"Do you have a weed farm?" Terry questions while extending the card to Phaedra who takes it.

"I do. I grow my own strains and extract the oils myself."

"We won't be selling the same items will we?"

"He has his own private stash." Phaedra informs and takes Dro's hand in hers. With a small smile, he wraps his fingers around hers with a single nod of assurance.

"How long have y'all been in the business?" Dro questions, sinking his free hand into his pocket.

"Well before a dispensary could even happen, we've been in the business for twenty years." Terry informs, holding hands with his wife.

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