new friends\family or enemys/foes chapter five

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So their witches like us but how, when, what, Y\N said. Look we will answer all of your questions later but right now we have busissness to attend to, oh and we have two more with us and there names are Eclipse, and Sky kitkat said. *thunders* well looks like it's raining outside, Sun said. So are you and Moon sisters, Y/N said. Yes we are sisters she's like the opposite of me, Sun said. what do you mean, Y/N said. well Moon is always moody and sometimes happy but her being happy is rare no one can make her happy not even me but me on the other hand im always happy but sometimes im mad but its hard to get me mad, said Sun. oh i guess that makes sense, so what type of busissness do you guys suppose to attend, said Y/N. Oh um the others said not to tell you because its a secret that we cant tell you, said Sun scratching the back of her head. Oh okay i understand, but is it okay if i ask you a question and its okay if you dont want to answer Y/N said smiling with glee. its ok and go ahead and ask, said Sun braiding your hair sitting across the fireplace in the living room. Was Moon ever happy before like is in ever before she became a witch, Y/N said looking up at Sun while sitting down across the fireplace. Yes in a matter of fact i do have a picture of Moon smiling, said Sun running upstairs to her room getting a box full of pictures. I wonder what Sun is getting maybe a picture of Moon or getting music wait now that i think about it why would she get music, so maybe she's getting a picture of Moon, said Y/N in her thoughts. Alright im here and sorry that i took so long in my room getting the box but anyways let me show you (shows you a picture of them and Moon smiling), said Sun showing Y/N the picture. Wow you guys look so cute all together even Moon, she looks so beautiful when she is smiling, said Y/N smiling with eyes sparkling like crystals. Yeah i love it when she smiles but like i said she dosen't smile anymore, said Sun with sad eyes. *hugs Sun for a while and backs away* sorry it just looks like you need a hug, said Y/N tiredly. Its ok but you look tired it looks like you haven't sleep in about two days and you need sleep so go to sleep, said Sun proudly. Ok i'll go to sleep, goodnight Sun see you tomorrow, said Y/N tiredly as she went upstairs to look for her room. Goodnight Y/N see you tomorrow, said Sun smiling as she went to her and her sisters room.

What do you guys think those witches were put it in the comments below and the next chapter will be tomorrow and yes i will be trying to post everyday because i start school next week so ill see you tomorrow peeps. And ill be posting everyday if i can so sorry but i promise i will make a new chapter right now.

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