Chapter 2. Violent ends

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In September a couple days after school started people were telling me about how this one girl was all over Steven. At first I wasn't thinking anything of it, but later on I wished that I would've. Her name was Makayla. She was little, like 5'0 or a little taller. She had the same skin color as Steven and her hair was about shoulder length. She had a high pitched voice it really got on my nerves how she would drag her words. The first time I saw her was at lunch. I skipped my biology class to come see Steven. Steven and I were sitting down talking and laughing when she came to our table. "is this bae?" She asked Steven. He looked at me then replied "yeah." I was kind of happy because this was like a week or so before we started dating. I didn't like the vibe she gave off. she started to stare at me and it made me uncomfortable. She had a friend with her. Nylah. Nylah was probably shorter than Makayla but she had dark skin and a pretty smile. Nylah's vibe I liked. But I felt funny about Makayla. A month or so later I remember this girl Paris telling me that Makayla was sitting on Stevens lap at lunch. I was really shocked and lost for words. In the back of my mind I knew he would never cheat or anything because of his ex, I was confused. We talked about it at the park. "You really think I would let her do that?" He asked staring at me. I stared at the trees for a long time. "No." I finally replied. I looked at him for a while and then we kissed. After that everything was okay until my mom started hitting me again. It was about 6 o clock and I was in my room sitting by the window. My mom walked past and saw me on my iPod and got annoyed. "Don't you have homework?!" She was standing in my door way with her hands on her hip. "I have to read a chapter of Of mice and Men on my iPod because I don't have the book." She got even angrier when I said that. She went into the kitchen and then told me to come do the dishes. I walked into the kitchen and she asked why I didn't have the book. The book was only five dollars but I thought it would be so much easier to read it online, she was on her own pregnant and unemployed so I didn't want to ask. I told her that I thought it would be easier to read it online instead of asking for money. Then she got even more Angrier. "You don't think about that when you want to go somewhere!" She yelled at me. She was like 3 or 4 inches from my face and I started to cry. I hate when people yell at me. She punched me in my face and went into her room and slammed the door. I finished washing the dishes and went into my room and cried. I didn't do any of my other homework assignments. The next day at school I was kinda of down. I felt undeserving. I didn't do anything wrong. I talked to Steven about it and he told me that I only had 3 more years left and it'd be okay. I felt kind of better with him being for me and I thought that things would get better but they kept getting worse. The next time she hit me was way worse. I was in bed on my laptop and she told me to go to sleep. I closed my laptop and then I grabbed my iPod and my headphones and started to listen to music. I closed my eyes. She came over to my bed, pulled me by my hair and punched me in my face. She hit my continuously and I couldn't do anything about it. I've never felt so hopeless. She stopped hitting me and yelled "I said go to sleep!" But I couldn't even sleep. My head was throbbing. I don't know if it was from her or because I was crying so hard. I hate that she would hit me. Like I was someone on the street and not her own daughter. I cried myself to sleep that night

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