Chapter Six

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A-bby's POV
The four of us were talking to each other about how the moonstone didn't have the coordinates hidden in it, when I heard faint talking.

I stood up quickly and ran out the room with caution.

"A-bby?" A-lan said, running after me.

"Beware, intruder! Addison?"

We all put our defenses down, noticing who it was.

"Mothership beamed you aboard?" A-spen asked her


"We have no choice but to—"

"Welcome you."

"Vaporize you."

We all looked over towards A-li and gave her another look.

"A-li." A-lan scolded

"Oh! Right. Welcome you. Sorry." A-li corrected before we to the main part of the ship.

A-lan's POV
"You have a wonderful home." Addison complimented

"It is a marvelous ship, but it is not our home." I told her

"Our planet was destroyed by environmental blight built up over many years." A-spen said

"What? Over years? Didn't anyone try to stop it?" Addison asked

"No. And we lost everything. No one spoke up." A-li said

I noticed her eyes looking down at her hands as she stayed silent. Concerning.

"That would have led to disagreements. We value harmony."

"And we will remain one people in harmony at any cost." A-bby said, looking at Zed

"You seem angry." He commented

"I'm not angry." She denied, giving Zed a look I've never seen before on her.

It was kind of scary to see that look in her eyes. I knew losing her home took a tole on her, but I should have known she buried her real feelings.

"I'm just in harmony in a super hostile way. I need to get off this planet." She said turning to me.

"Hey, how come you never told me how you really felt? I mean, I knew you were upset but..." I asked her quietly so we could have our own personal conversation.

"I-I guess I was so caught up in the mission I forgot how angry I was. I don't really know what I'm feeling most of the time." She confessed

"What are you feeling right now?" I asked her

She looked into my eyes and my heart started to beat slightly faster.


"A-bby, I—" I started to say but got cut off by Zed slamming his hand on the side of the table.

"Oh, that seems to have worked." A-li muttered before playing scouts log.
A-bby's POV
"This is Scout Commander 15-09. I proudly report my mission is complete. For centuries, we have been without a home, but I found Utopia. The perfect new planet for our people. I hid the coordinates in the most precious thing in Seabrook. You must find the most precious thing in Seabrook. Many decades ago, out of fuel, my Scout ship crashed in this planet. I would have died if not for a young humanoid, Eli. He hit me and nurses me to health. But with no ship to take me home, I was forced to hide my true identity."

"I know how that feels." Addison said

"I joined Eli in his school, and I discovered my passion: Cheerleading. I even created a trophy." The log continued

"The Seabrook Cup." Addison gasped

"But no longer in contact with our people, my hair grew white, and I lost my stardust powers. Though I gained something else. A family. Eli and I fell in love and married, and we named our firstborn A-Mishanta, but we always called her Missy."

"That's my moms name." Addison said as we watched the commander take off her mask. "Grandma?"

"The alien Scout was your grandma!" Zed concluded

"My grandma. Grandma Angie was an alien? My moms an alien?"

"You're part alien. That's why the ship beamed you up too." A-spen told her

"Zed, I know who I am!" Addison cheered as she hugged Zed

Zed went to hug A-spen but they stopped him before he could.

"We have too much history, Zed."

I pulled out a Luma Lens from its case and gave it to Addison.

"We found this Luma Lens on the scout ship. It belonged to your grandmother."

It glowed for a few seconds before it stopped.

"Now do you possess our spark? Can you lift the Luma Lens?" A-li asked

Addison focused, but couldn't lift it, leaving her slightly disappointed.

"Uh, I—I can't."

"Our relationship with stardust defines us. Our technology would not work for you."

"You cannot share in our telepathy."

"Nor survive travel with us."

"No, no, this is who I am." Addison argued, "This is where I belong. It all makes sense."

"I'm sorry. You do not have our spark. You are not truly one of us." A-spen apologized

"Right. Yeah. Sorry." Addison said before walking away, Zed running after her.

"I feel deep sorrow."

"Wait. The scout's trophy contains materials from our planet." A-li told us

"What could be more precious than an artifact from our home world?"

"The map is there. We must win that trophy." A-lan told us
It was late at night and I needed to talk to someone. I had Mothership beam me down at Zed's house and went to knock on the door. The door opened before I could to reveal a tired Zed.

"Why are you here so late?" Zed asked

"I need your help."

"What's wrong?"

"I think I might like-like...A-lan." I confessed

His eyes widened with happiness and excitement as we fully woke up from the news.

"Oh my god! Does anyone know?" He asked me

"Nobody but you." I answered

"Okay. So I know liking a person is a little scary at first, but I promise you if everything goes right, it will be amazing." Zed told me

"What are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter. All you need to know is that your amazing zombie friend has everything under control." He reassures pushing me toward Mothership. "So you just get some rest and relax."

He turned away quickly but I could tell he was smiling by the way he walked back inside. I sighed, so much for talking, and has Mothership beam me up.

"Thank you." I said walking back to my room

"Ah! Finally! A thank you without me having to ask. You know, I always had a feeling you were going to be the first to say it." Mothership said happily

Authors Note:
And there is the next chapter. Boom! The scene is coming up people and I need to do some song research before I can write it. Love you all❤️❤️

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