~Chapter 2~

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"I may have read his mind a little. All he could think about was how gorgeous you are and how beautiful your eyes are.", Ambrose explained. I look at Ambrose in shock. I couldn't fathom liking someone already. It felt too soon to me. Especially inviting someone as hot as Eddie over.

"Ambrose, I thought we were going to try to keep our magic to a minimum. We don't know what will happen to us if people find out we are witches.", I whispered to him.

"You worry too much, cousin. Everything will be fine. Besides, Eddie seemed excited to come over tonight. I can whip up a really good dinner for us.", Ambrose said to me reassuringly.

"Alright, fine. I guess having him over tonight should be fun. Just no magic with him around. I don't want to let on we are witches. Not yet, at least." I say to him.

A few hours pass and Ambrose already has dinner prepared, and I am starting to get anxious about Eddie coming over. I have never had a friend come over. Sabrina was always the one to have someone over. She always had Roz, Harvey, Nick, and Theo. Her friends were always nice to me, but I stayed hidden in my room. I was a bit of a social outcast in Greendale. Maybe here in Hawkins will be different. It already feels different than it did in Greendale. I have met Robin, who is nice and she is funny. Steve seemed nice and wouldn't quit staring. Then there is Eddie, who is hot. He is smile made me melt inside. I have never felt that way about anyone before.

But I knew I couldn't let it show. Not yet, anyway. It is too soon. I only just him this afternoon, but now my cousin has to go and invite him over to watch the movie with us; as I am in my thoughts, my phone chimes.

-???: Hey Sapphire. It's Eddie. I'm on my way over now.
-Me: Hey. Alright. My cousin prepared dinner if you are hungry.
-Eddie: Sounds great. I will see you soon. ;)

"Oh, my God! Did he send me a wink face after that?" I think to myself. I head downstairs from my room to see if Ambrose needs help with anything.

"Oh, cousin, there you are. I almost have dinner ready. Have you heard from Eddie?" Ambrose asks me.

"Um...yeah, I did. He just texted me. He is on his way now.", I replied to him, slightly blushing. I couldn't help but think of the fact that Eddie was coming over for a movie tonight. Ambrose starts setting the table for dinner when there is a knock on the door. I go to answer it, and there stands Eddie. I can't help but look him up and down. He notices and smirks at me. "Oh fuck! He noticed me staring at him. Say something, you idiot!" I think to myself.

I move out of the way of the door so Eddie can come in. "Hey, Eddie. Come on in. Dinner is almost ready.", I say, smiling at him. He smiles back, and my heart just starts racing. I snap myself out of it and show him into the house.

"So, what made you and your cousin move to Hawkins?" Eddie asks right off the bat.

"Well, I couldn't bear to be in Greendale anymore after my sister passed. It was too much for me. My aunties didn't think it was a good idea for me to come by myself, so they had my cousin move with me.", I explain to him as we walk into the living room. We sit and talk for a bit while Ambrose finishes up with dinner.

"Alright, you two, dinner is ready!" I heard Ambrose call from the dining room. I got up from the couch to go to the dining room, and Eddie followed. "Sorry cousin, I kind of went a little overboard. Aunt Hilda gave me the recipes.", Ambrose said as I looked at the table.

"Ambrose, there is so much here. How did you manage to make all of this in just a few hours?" I ask him.

"I used magic. I wanted to make a good impression on Eddie for you. I can tell you like him.", Ambrose mentally said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't like Eddie, Ambrose. It is too soon anyway. I just met him." I shot at him mentally. Ambrose rolled his eyes at me in return. He knew I did like him. How could I not like Eddie? We all sat down at the table to eat. Eddie started telling us about himself and how he lives with his uncle. He talked about this club he is the leader of for some game called Dungeons and Dragons.

"You ok, cousin? You're staring at him.", Ambrose mentally said to me. I glared at him quickly and then blushed.

"You alright, Sapphire? I have spent the entire night talking about myself. I would like to know more about you and your cousin.", Eddie said to me, who noticed I was staring at him again. I snapped myself out of it.

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. There isn't much to tell. I miss my aunties, but I don't have any friends back home. That was all, Sabrina. She was the social one in the family. I always kept to myself.", I explained to Eddie.

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