~Chapter 3~

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"She's right. Sabrina was always out with her friends. Sapphire kept to herself a lot. I think living here will be good for her.", Ambrose said, agreeing with me. For the rest of dinner, we ate in silence. "Why don't you go start the movie? I will clean up from dinner.", Ambrose said, looking directly at me.

"Alright. Don't take too long to clean up", I tell him as Eddie, and I head back to the living room. I know he is going to take his sweet-ass time cleaning up from dinner just so I am alone with Eddie longer. Not that I minded that I was.

"Let's go watch the movie. I think you will like it.", Eddie said, taking my hand. My arm went tingly from his touch. It was a sensation I never felt before. My stomach started to do flips. I was so nervous around Eddie. "You alright? You seem a little tense.", Eddie said, noticing how nervous I was.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just a little nervous, is all.", I responded. I looked at him and noticed how gorgeous his eyes were. "Oh my God, Sapphire! Get a grip! You are making it so obvious!" I thought to myself. I look up at Eddie again and smile.

"Why are you nervous?" Eddie asked.

"Well, it's different being the new kid and in a new town. So I am nervous about Monday and everything.", I explain, somewhat lying to Eddie about why I was nervous. Maybe he could tell I was lying, but I wasn't sure. Eddie sat on the couch as I put the movie in. I turned the lights out and sat on the couch next to Eddie, but not too close.

Ambrose was still in the kitchen, cleaning up. Eddie moved closer to me slowly. I noticed out of the corner of my eye. I ignored his movement and concentrated on the movie. He moved closer once more to where our fingers were touching. I glanced over at him and noticed he did the same. I quickly looked back to the movie. It was just getting to the scene where Freddy Kreuger kills Johnny Depp's character. "Fuck! I liked that guy!" is all I hear Eddie say as we are watching the movie. I start laughing at Eddie's reaction. "What? Why are you laughing?" Eddie asked me.

"I'm not laughing.", I say to him, smirking a little.

"Yeah, you are. I can see you smirking over there.", Eddie said, moving closer. I see him inch closer a little quicker.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he keeps moving closer. I start to get up to run from the room.

"I'm gonna get you for laughing.", Eddie said, grabbing hold of me and started tickling me. I start to squirm and laugh.

"Stop! Stop! I'm very ticklish. I'm sorry for laughing. Please stop!" I squeal from laughing so hard. Eddie starts laughing too. We don't notice Ambrose coming into the room. "Ambrose, how long have you been standing there?" I asked him, just seeing he was standing there smiling.

"Not long, cousin. How are guys enjoying the movie?", He asked us. I go completely red in the face. "Having fun, cousin?" Ambrose mentally said to me.

"Ambrose, we were just watching the movie. I laughed at his reaction to Johnny Depp's character dying. Then he tickled me for laughing. But yeah, actually I am having fun.", I mentally thought back to him. He laughed as he walked back into the kitchen.

"Everything ok? Do I need to go?" Eddie asked me. I look at him and shake my head.

"No. Everything is fine. He was just checking to see if we were enjoying the movie, is all.", I reply to Eddie. He smiles at me and makes me melt. I quickly snap out of it. "Let's just finish the movie", I say, not trying to start anything with Eddie. I only want to be friends with him.

We sit and watch the movie for the rest of the night. As the movie ends, Eddie gets up to leave. I walk him to the door. "Thanks for having me over tonight. I had fun. Hope we can do it again sometime.", Eddie says as he walks out the door.

"Of course. I had fun too. I didn't think I would have a friend this soon after moving here, But I'm glad I do. I would like to hang out again.", I respond to him. He grabs my hand and kisses it. My heart flutters in my chest as he does.

"Goodnight, Sapphire. I will see you at school on Monday, ", Eddie says as he walks down the front porch steps.

"Goodnight, Eddie.", I said as I leaned against the front door. I closed the door and leaned against it with my head on it. "Fuck! Ambrose, how long were you standing there?" I asked him.

"I saw everything, cousin.", he said, smirking at me. I just giggled and ran to my room. I lay on my bed and watched the window until I fell asleep.

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