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Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. In that time, an unnamed tribe in the darkest part of Africa, under the guidance of a mysterious and ancient God, created an artifact of unimaginable power. This artifact, this Mask, impregnated it's bearer with power beyond one's wildest dreams and against all inhibitions, even the law of reality itself. Over time, fewer and fewer people believed in it and it's power, and it soon faded into obscurity. Generation after generation passed and with them the idea of such power died. The Great War between the angels, fallen angels, and devils drove what few knew of the Mask's power further into the land of the forgotten, along with humanities affluence for the mystic arts. After the death of the old God, new ones arose, the most prominent being a pair of brothers. The God's of Light and Darkness restored humanities magic, but this came with a great consequence. After the death of her husband, a grief stricken witch named Salem waged war with the Gods, thus causing them to destroy humanity and curse her with immortality. Then the God of Light revived Ozma, the wizard, and he reunited with his wife. But soon his divine mission drove a wedge between him and his wife, leading once more to a war that would end mankind's access to magic, with a few exceptions of course. In the millennia that passed, the idea of magic soon died out, leaving it to speculation and fantasy. But in it's place, quirks appeared. In Qing Qing, China, in the year 2050, a glowing child was born, bringing with her a new age where what once was considered science fiction became reality. Now, 98% of humanity has powers, be they quirk, or sacred gear, or semblance, or other. Now those without power are the downtrodden and broken. The subhuman slime of the Earth. But now, the Mask has resurfaced, and with it, untold mayhem.

Y/N desperately tried to outrun his tormentors, however, due to his lack of a power, he did not make it far before Bakugo Katsuki nailed him in the back with a nitroglycerin powered punch, sending him flying into a row of lockers. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET YOU QUIRKLESS FREAK!" He shouted as he body slammed the defenseless man into the wall. Y/N coughed up blood as Yang grabbed him by the neck and held him to the wall. "Listen here, you little bitch. The headmasters need to talk to you." She said as she slowly squeezed his throat. "O-okay. You-u can st-op choking me n-ow." He stammered as the rest of the bullies dispersed, except Rias and her peerage. Issei Hyoudou used his his sacred gear to slam his fist into Y/N's stomach. More blood erupted from his mouth as Issei dug a single claw on his gauntlet into Y/N's jugular. "If I ever catch you looking at my girls again, I will kill you." He said as Y/N slid to the ground as the rest of Rias' peerage left as Issei gave him a kick in the stomach for good measure. Y/N sighed as he stood up, his knee buckling under his weight. "I wouldn't want to touch your skanks anyway. They'd probably faint at the sight of anything bigger than your CHOKING HAZARD." He said, before realizing everybody left.

Y/N made his way to the Headmaster's office, limping weakly as he reached the elevator. The Headmaster's, the so called teachers of the next generation of the protectors of the innocent and guilty alike, were kind and willing to protect others at the cost of their own lives. At least that's what the brochure said. Surely they would listen to him The elevator door opened and Recovery Girl walked out. "Again." "Yeah. Sorry." Recovery Girl sighed as he bent down. She kissed him on the forehead before walking away. "If this is the next generation of heroes, I hope I don't live to see graduation day." She sighed as the elevator doors shut.

The Headmasters of Union Academy sat at a crescent shaped table, each mulling over their own interests. The elevator dinged before opening, revealing Y/N. "Mr L/N, what brings you here?" Ozpin asked, adjusting his glasses. "You called for me, sir." "Oh, yeah." He remembered. "You're expelled." Sirzechs said, not wanting to spare Y/N's feelings. Y/N paused. "What?" "You heard me. Get your shit and get lost." "Now Y/N, we know this is sudden but you just can't stay out of trouble." "I can..." "Let me finish. I think that due to your status as powerless, you think you can get away with provoking the other students. However, this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Now please leave before we have you escorted off the premises. You have one hour." Y/N nodded before returning to the elevator. As soon as the doors shut, Y/N burst into tears. All his life, all he had ever been was nice to people. And all people have ever done is walk right over him. He sighed as the elevator slid to the bottom floor. 


It was around sunset when Y/N finally got around to cleaning out his locker. The locker next to his slammed as Shoto Todoroki, his best friend, leaned on it. "So the headmasters finally did it, huh?" "Yeah. They've probably wanted to get rid of me for a while." "Well, you don't have any powers so they probably can't use you like the others. Y/N nodded before grabbing his backpack and zipping it up. "I'll see you later man. I gotta go. Mrs Peenman get's pissy if come back before eight thirty." Shoto nodded as Y/N made his way outside. Y/N liked the walk to and from the Academy. It was quiet and he didn't have to deal with his tormentors most of the time as most of them stayed at the dorms. He sighed as he cross over the bridge separating the Union from the mainland. He looked over the bridge, taking in the view as he usually did when he bumped into someone. "Oh, I am so sorry. Here, let me help you." He said as he helped the man he ran into up. "Thanks." The man said as he stood up. He was about five foot five and clearly homeless if the shopping cart and tattered coat were anything to go by. But the most interesting part was the large serrated sword tied to his back. Y/N looked the man up and down a few times before sighing. "I'm really sorry about that." "It's fine. Didn't hurt, anyway. So, where you headed in such a hurry?" The man asked slyly. "Just my apartment. My dog needs fed." The man nodded before gesturing to his shopping cart. "Want to buy something?" The hobo asked before grabbing something from the cart. "This arrow was forged from a meteorite and is said to be haunted." The arrow in question was gold in color and had a much wider head than any other arrows Y/N had seen. "No thanks." The hobo picked up a yellow ball with five red stars in it. "How about this ball. It's said to have been formed by the dragon god." Y/N shook his head. "I can see you're only interested in the exceptionally rare." Y/N shrugged as the man pulled out a green mask. "This mask is one of a kind and much more than meets the eye." He said as he handed Y/N the mask. "Keep it. Consider it payment for your time." "Hey, thanks." Y/N said as he walked away, looking at the mask. "Have a nice night." "You too, and good luck Y/N." Y/N stopped, realizing he didn't tell the man his name. "Wait." He turned, only to see the man had vanished. Y/N turned back around before running, wanting to get away from there as soon as possible. The hobo watched from the distance before smiling.

"You're gonna go far kid."

I own nothing.

Behind the Mask: The Mask x Union AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now