Let's Fight

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Y/N stepped off of the steel beam, ignoring the construction foreman staring at him confused. "You can't be here. This is a closed site." The foreman said as he attempted to grab Y/N. "DON'T TOUCH ME, I'M STERILE!" Y/N screamed, now wearing a pair of rubber gloves and a head mirror. He pulled one off before slapping the man in the face with it. "Mom loves me more." "What?"

Y/N slapped him again "This is for Larry you piece of shit." "I don't ev-" SLAP "It's not even my penguin, officer." "Wha-" SLAP "Do you like fat women?" "Stop-" SLAP "You think I wouldn't find out about you kissing my sister?" "OKAY! I GET IT! THAT'S ENOUGH!" The foreman shouted as he blocked another slap. "You aren't wearing a helmet! No high vis! Not even fucking safety glasses! JISHA's gonna have my ass if I get sued again and I can barely make ends meet as it is." The man cried as Y/N stared at him. "Then you may want to get that baby down from there." "WHAT?" Y/N pointed at the baby crawling on a beam, thirty feet above them. "Or that one." Y/N said, pointing to one sitting in the blade of a bulldozer. "Or them." He pointed at two babies playing in a pool of wet cement. "Or him." He said, looking at a baby hitting a stick of dynamite with a hammer and laughing. "JESUS CHRIST!" The foreman shouted as he ran towards the nearest baby. "Where did they all come from?" He shouted as he and several other construction workers ran to collect the babies. "Well, when a mommy and daddy-" "Just get out of here." Y/N shrugged before walking away, only to immediately get hit by a speeding car.

"The sidewalk is wide enough." A blonde man said to his son from the backseat. His son, who was driving, looked back at him. "Damn it, dad. We've been over this a million times, I am not using the sidewalk as a-" The car slammed into something. The son turned to see a green headed man staring back at him. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "AaaaaaaAAAaaaAAAaaAAaaA!" The son and the green faced man shouted at eachother before the one driving slammed the brakes. The large headed man flew off the hood of the car and landed several yards away. The large headed man stood up. The father climbed into the front seat before slamming his hand into the horn.

Y/N stood up before walking angrily marching towards the car. The horn blared at him as he angrily approached the car. The driver got out before apologizing profusely to Y/N. "Hey, man I'm so sorry, I didn't see you..." Y/N fell to the ground, screaming in faux agony. "OH GOD I"M IN SO MUCH PAIN!" He shouted as he flopped around dramatically. "I think I ruptured my esophagus." He said as blood leaked out of his mouth, before he grabbed his arm. "I think it's broken." "Sir, are you..." Y/N screamed before grabbing his arm and pulling it right off. He held the severed arm up to the driver before it poked Y/N in the eyes. "Oh, my eyes. I'm in so much pain!" He moaned as the man looked at him incredulously. "You done yet?" "Gimme a second." Y/N said before flopping on his back. His rib cage suddenly exploded open as a chestburster jumped from his body.

The baby xenomorph hissed at the man. "Yeah, I'm done." The big headed man said as he stood up before dusting himself off. "Can I get a ride?" "Yeah." The man stuck out his hand. "My name is Giorno Giovanni-" Fabulous pose "And I have a dream." He said as Y/N scratched his neck. "Everyone calls me Big Head and I..." breaks it down "Have severe brain damage." He said as he furiously threw his ass back. "Jesus Christ, what has he gotten us into." Dio said as he watched his son make friends with a green faced spaz. "GIORNO, JUST TAKE ME TO MCDONALD'S ALREADY!"


Big Head strutted through the McDonald's door, Giorno and Dio following close behind. "Rev up those fryers, cause I am sure hungry for one-" A large, burly man with a mustache made of fire grabbed Y/N before throwing him out the nearest window. "Everyone, just shut the fuck up!" Endevour, the number two hero of Japan shouted as he marched back to his seat. All Might, Hawks, Child Emperor, King, Bartholomew Oobleck, Glynda Goodwitch, and a few others were in the middle of a dungeon trap in Northwest Faerun when Endeavor got up to throw Big Head out. He sat back down before focusing on the task at hand.  "I'm going to win this time." He said furiously. He picked up the dice before rolling two threes. Oobleck looked at the Dungeon Master's notes before responding. "Your hellfire hero steps on the first tile. It shatters and reveals a bottomless pit and he falls to his death." Endevour screamed as he had to start from the beginning. 

Big Head barged through the door before stomping over to the table where Endeavor was sitting before flipping the game board over. He climbed on top of the table before grabbing Endeavor's soda and pouring all over himself. "What the hell man." King said "You had this coming!" Big Head furiously shouted as he spastically danced on the table. "Did you have to knock the game board over?" "Look at me dance." Big Head said before taking of his shirt and swinging it around. "You know who else likes disrupting nerd games?" Big Head said in a raspy voice. "MY MOM!" Y/N said before body slamming the table, destroying everyone's food and splitting the  table in half. "My chicken nuggies." Hawks shouted as he burst into tears before flying into a bout of rage and tackling the green headed man. "Arrest this jackass." Endeavor said as several people at the table dogpiled the hero and the main character. 

Y/N slithered from under the pile, as usually done in cartoons, before looking at the pile. "That's a little gay if you ask me." He said, staring down at the pile of heroes. "Get off him, you retards, and get that green freak." Endevour shouted as the others chased after Y/N, except for Toshinori, who was in the bathroom, and Child Emperor who was stuck in the ball pit. "Help." He said as the sharks started circling. 

'That's enough of that.' Toshinori thought as he put his phone down and reached for the toilet paper only to grab thin air. "Uh oh." He said as he looked around desperately. A man in solid white walked into the restroom before stopping in front of the urinal. "Excuse me, could-" "Hey, you know what's rude as fuck? Talking to someone in a public restroom." He said as he unzipped his pants. "But-" "Stop talking to me." Toshinori sat silently as the man finished. "Good grief." The man in white said as he adjusted his hat.

As Big Head made his way over to the counter, the cashier stared at him with a smile that screamed "BAD TAXIDERMY". "May I take your order, sir?" Y/N stared at the menu. "I'll have two number nine's, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty five's, one with cheese, and a large soda." He said as the cashier pressed the buttons. "Will that be for here or to go?" She asked. "For here or to go?" Y/N looked around at the heroes and huntsman surrounding him.

"To go I think."

To Be Continued

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