The Choice

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Cue Speak Now by Taylor Swift😅🥲

Anthony finds himself in his study one night. A knock fully waking him up.

"I got your letter." Brynlee says while walking in."More like the invitation I suppose."

"Will you be there?" he asks hoping she will say yes.

"No. I am leaving right after this.

"Please, Brynlee."

"Please what? Marry you? You didn't ask me Anthony. You think I want to watch you and Edwina get married? How sick would that be." Brynlee says while walking back to the door.

"Please only for the ceremony?" He says. Not asking but begging.

"We shall see." she says walking out.
Day of the Wedding
Anthony currently resides in one of the rooms. Looking down but immediately looking forward once he hears the door open.

"I am here." Brynlee says.

"Thank you." Is all Anthony said.

"Give me a reason to stay, Anthony, and I will! I promise you! I will stay for you! I will be everything you want. Please!"

"I cannot."

"Is this really what you want? A life with Edwina?" Brynlee ask tears brewing in her eyes.

"It does not matter what I want anymore. You should leave before someone walks in."

And with that she leaves without Anthony and without her heart. Walking past Daphne in the hallway.

"Brynlee!" Daphne yells trying to get her friend to stop but she kept going...
As the wedding began, Brynlee found herself sitting beside Lady Danbury and soon Lady Mary.

"You may be seated. Dearly beloved we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. And therefore, it is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, and wantonly, to satisfy men's carnal lusts and appetites, like brute beasts that have no understanding...but reverently, discreetly, advisedly..." the Archbishop says.

Anthony him out as his gaze switches between Brynlee and Edwina. Soon imaging Brynlee as his bride. Dressed in white and smiling. Instead it is Edwina. And Brynlee the one sitting blank faced in the first row.

He gets cut from his imagination from the Archbishop,"My lord, my lord."

Anthony looks around confused. Edwina fills him in shortly. A sudden sound of a necklace breaking distracts everyone.

Brynlee's pearl necklace can be seen everywhere one particular pearl found it's way to the front where Anthony and Edwina stand.

Anthony looks down at it and then back to Brynlee as she just stares at him. Eventually Edwina follows the stare and notices the connection.

"Sorry, let's continue." says Anthony finally adverting his attention to Edwina.

"I..." Edwina starts to say."I need a moment!" She shouts before running down the alter.

As guest are gasping, Brynlee and Anthony's eyes meet once more in panic.

Kate then also looks at Brynlee wanting her to follow Lady Mary and herself to go find Edwina.

"I want the truth!" Brynlee walks in at that moment. Standing there shocked with Edwina's eyes burning into her." Suddenly your words fail you, Brynlee?"

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