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Full Name: Samuel William Winchester

Goes By: Sam or sometimes Sammy

Age: 22 years old

Ex-Husband: Nate Winchester

Daughter: Brittany Winchester

Father: John Winchester

Mother: Mary Winchester

Brother: Dean Winchester

Adoptive Father: Bobby Singer

Other Info: Sam calls Bobby "Dad"

Full Name: Dean Marshall Winchester

Age: 26 years old

Niece: Brittany Winchester

Father: John Winchester

Mother: Mary Winchester

Brother: Sam Winchester

Adoptive Uncle: Bobby Singer

other info: he genuinely was supportive when Sam came out, but his father had him so brainwashed that he just listened when John didn't let him talk to Sam.

Full Name: Robert Steven Singer

Goes By: Bobby

Age: not known

adoptive son: Sam Winchester

Adoptive Nephew: Dean Winchester

Adoptive Granddaughter: Brittany Winchester

other info: he threatened to kill John when he dropped Sam off, and he killed Sam's ex-husband for abusing Sam when he was pregnant, the dude's body still hasn't been found

Full Name: Brittany Raven Winchester

Age: 5 months old

Father: Sam Winchester

Other Father: Nate Winchester

Grandfather: John Winchester

Grandmother: Mary Winchester

Uncle: Dean Winchester

Adoptive Grandfather: Bobby Singer

other info: she could hold her head up by the time she was three weeks old

description: she has a lot of hair, and dark skin, she and Sam don't look a thing alike and Sam is often mistaken for her babysitter. she is absolutely adorable

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