Pilot | Part Three

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Sam was sitting in the passenger seat of the '67 black impala chevy, his thoughts wandered a little, it was nice hunting with Dean again, and Dean was great with Brittany. he remembered two weeks earlier when he was crying in Jessica's bathroom because his pregnancy test was positive. a few days earlier he managed to get an emergency gynecologist appointment and they said he was about six weeks along which meant, he was now eight weeks along and if he looked hard enough, he could see the small baby bump, it was faint, just barely an indentation, but Sam could see it.

Brady was so sweet when they first met, he swept Sam off his feet and didn't complain about anything, even changing Brittany's shit explosions. but a few weeks ago, he started to get so cruel, that he would beat the hell out of Sam and threaten to do the same to Brittany. eight weeks earlier. he raped Sam in his sleep. and ever since then, Sam had been petrified of him, and too afraid to break up with him. Sam had the locks to his apartment so Sam could lock him out, but he was still terrified that Brady would do something to him or Brittany. he needed help, the last time he went to Bobby, but he had a feeling Bobby would scold him for his poor taste in men, and the only other person he felt comfortable telling was well... Dean.

"Dean," Sam said quietly, tears starting to pour down his face, "I need help," he said as a sob escaped from his lips. seeing the tears Dean pulled the car over, got a tissue out of his pocket, and handed it to Sam, "Sammy, what's going on? you can tell me anything," Dean said, he dabbed the tissues at Sam's eyes, making sure not to mess up Sam's makeup. "I... I w-w-was r-r-r-raped... by.... my... boyfriend," Sam was a stuttering sobbing mess, Sam could swear he saw Dean's turned red. "who the fuck is he?" Dean growled. "Tyson...Brady" Sam choked out.

Dean held Sam as he cried like he did when they were kids. his sobs were heart-wrenching, Sam was glad that Brittany was zonked out since he didn't want her to hear him so broken. "shh, it's going to be ok, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch," Dean muttered. he ran his fingers through Sam's soft hair. "I-I...I'm pregnant," Sam muttered. he looked up at his big brother with his big brown eyes. Dean held Sam closer, "I'm not giving it up," Sam said, he was only hiccuping now, but his eyes were still watery. "I know, I know, you're going to be ok, Sammy," Dean said.

"are there any security camera's?" Dean asked when the two pulled up in front of Brady's apartment building, "no, I checked when we started dating," Sam muttered. he was laying across the front seat, his head resting in Dean's lap. "I'll be right back," Dean muttered, he got out of the Impala, full of rage. he opened he trunk and got the sharpest mechete he had and a plastic bag out and started walking into the apartment building having already gotten the number and spare key from Sam.

he saw that Brady wasn't home when he got into the apartment, so he waited in the living room, he moved a chair so he could see the front door. he didn't have to wait long, after about two minutes, the front door opened and came in, "who the hell are you?" the young man asked when he saw Dean in his living room, Dean stood slowly, full of rage for the person who hurt his little brother, "nobody hurts my little brother," Dean growled, "woah, woah, woah, your Dean? this is a big misunderstanding," Brady said, "you hurt my brother," Dean continued moving towards Brady in a threatening manor, "who ever hurts my brother, dies," Dean said as he cut the bastards head off. calmly as ever, Dean put the mechete in the plastic bag, and walked out of the apartment and down to Baby

when he got back to baby, he saw that Sam was sobbing hysterically, quickly Dean through the mechete back into the trunk and got into front seat, gently guiding Sam's head to his shoulder. "Jessica's Dead, her mom called me, she was pinned to the ceiling, my apartments gone, the whole building burned to the ground," Sam sobbed. "I'm so sorry Sammy, I really don't know what to say," Dean said, Sam got out of the car, and opened the trunk again.

Dean followed and watched Sam load the shotgun in his hand before throwing it back down into the arsenal that was in the spare tire compartment of Dean's car, "we got work to do," he muttered. he went around and kissed Brittany on the noise, "it's you, me, and Uncle Dean, Butterfly," Sam muttered to the sleeping baby. "we need to go shopping," Sam said when he got into the passenger seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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