Pilot | Part One

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Sam was wearing a shortish yellow pencil skirt, an old AC/DC t-shirt that used to belong to Dean but he had stolen it before John kicked him out (for the record, he was still quite pissed about that), and a pair of combat boots, he looked kinda goth, but really, he was a total bookworm and introvert and all around a goody-to-shoes. he had tried to be 'normal' like his father wanted, but he liked the way he felt when he wore a pair of heels and a skirt, he sometimes works as a drag queen at a local gay bar. it helped that he was living in Palo Alto and pretty much nobody judged him.

Sam went into the living room and set the baby carrier down on the coffee table. he kept the tv on the cartoon channel during the day for Brittany so he took her out of the baby carrier and put her in the bouncer. he smiled and kissed her on the forehead "love you Butterfly" he muttered before going into the kitchen to start dinner. it was just going to be Sam and Brittany for dinner, but it had been a while since Sam had a proper dinner and since it was Friday night, he was attempting to make a pot roast.

Sam put his iPod on the dock and then quickly threw his hair back into a french braid, the week before Sam had died his hair pink, with the help of his best friend, Jess. Jess normally came over for dinner, but that weekend she was at home with her family. Sam didn't mind, he loved spending one on one time with Brittany, and he was going to have leftovers for the next few days for lunch. so he was happy.

Sam started to sing along to the music when 'Man! I feel like a woman' by Shania Twain came on, and he was totally not dancing around the kitchen. ok, yes he was. he smiled when he heard Brittany laugh in the other room. it was hard at first, he was four months pregnant when Bobby killed his ex-husband, he remembered sobbing into Bobby's arms that night, not knowing what to do. they packed his apartment up that day and Sam moved home until Brittany was born. Sam was pretty sure he would die if it weren't for Bobby. he and Brittany had just moved back to California a few weeks (like two, maybe three if your being generous) earlier and Bobby was already asking if he could come and visit.

Sam had gone into the living room after putting the pot roast on and then took Brittany into her nursery for her nap. he lightly ruffled her dark black hair, Sam was trying to figure out what to do with it since she really did have a lot of hair. "sweet dreams Butterfly, Daddy loves you," Sam smiled. he kissed her on the head and then walked out of the room. he walked into his bedroom and changed into a pair of sweatpants, and he kept wearing the AC/DC t-shirt.

he had been missing Dean more than normal, he wished Dean could have been there the day Brittany was born. he wished their 'father' had let him hug Dean goodbye. there was so much he wished he and Dean could do together, but he knew he would probably never see his older brother again... his protector. Dean had always been his protector, and he liked to think that Dean would be happy to know he was an Uncle.

he sat down on the couch with a glass of wine, ready to turn on whatever crime show he was watching at the time when there was a knock at the door. he sighed and got up to get it, it was probably the neighbor bringing him his mail that they received on accident. that happened a lot for some reason. "sorry Mish-" Sam almost dropped Dead right there when he saw who was standing there. without saying a word, Sam threw himself onto the person, "I missed you," Sam said, sobbing, "I missed you to Sammy," Dean said rubbing Sam's back. they both took a step back and looked each other over.

"you've grown," Dean said, "I was 16 the last time you saw me," Sam said, letting Dean into his apartment, "god, it's been that long, how've you been?" Dean asked, "eh, got married to an abusive asshole at 18, Bobby killed him by 21, now I'm a single father but I wouldn't change a thing," Sam smiled, "except for having you around," he added. "yeah, well, Dad never stopped bitching about having a gay son," Dean sighed.

"I just escaped from him, took Baby and a few things, and ran, including his journal," Dean said, "do you need a place to stay? you can always stay here," Sam said. "no, but I'm a solo hunter now, I'm gonna be working a case up in Jericho, and I just wanted to know if you wanted to join me on this one? you don't have to do it forever but for old time's sake," Dean asked. Sam thought about it for a few minutes. "sure, but we'll have to leave in the morning, I got a pot roast on," Sam asked, "of course," Dean said.

they sat down on the couch, he handed Dean a beer, even though he didn't really like beer, he kept it around because Jess drank it. "so you said you're a father," Dean said. "yes, I have one daughter, her name is Brittany Raven, she's five months old, I was pregnant when Bobby killed my ex-husband, and I moved back in with him for a while before moving back here three weeks ago, I gave birth to her in the back of the roadhouse, Ellen, Jo, and Bobby were the only people there to help, it was rough." Sam said. "I just put her down for her nap, you can meet her when she wakes up," Sam smiled, "I can't wait, and it must have been rough giving birth in the fucking roadhouse," Dean smiled. he was so happy to see his baby brother again.

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