Pilot | Part Two

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Sam was sitting in the passenger seat of Dean's '67 black Chevy Impala named Baby, Sam had never felt more at home than when he did sitting in those black vinyl seats. he and Dean never really had a real home when they were still growing up together, the Impala was the only real home they ever had, Sam and Dean always slept in the back seat, Dean wrapping his body around his then smaller little brother. and their father sleeping in the front seat. Sam considered himself lucky that he was able to have a home when he went to live with Bobby and wished that Dean could have had that.

Brittany was resting in Sam's arms, the tip of a baby bottle was between her lips and she was quietly sucking out the milk. "hey, do you want any breakfast?" Dean asked, "no, thanks, how did you pay for that stuff anyway? you and Dad still running those credit card scams?" Sam asked, looking up at Dean only for a second before looking down at Brittany, her big brown eyes looking up at Sam as if to say 'please, cuddle with me, Daddy', Sam smiled down at her and ran a hand through her thick black hair, "yes butterfly, I know you love cuddles," Sam muttered when Brittany let out an adorable babbling noise.

"well, hunting ain't no pro-ball career, Sammy," Dean said taking the gas nozzle out of Baby and coming around to the driver's side and getting in. "are you sure you don't need to get more gas? I'm kinda cuddling with my daughter," Sam said, "sorry Sammy," Dean said, Sam got out of the car to put Brittany back in her car seat. "presides, we just apply, it's not our fault they send the cards," Dean joked getting in. Sam looked down at his baby one more time before kissing her head and smiling at the fact she had gone to sleep, they didn't even need to start driving.

Brittany was a lot like Sam, she was full of life and Sam liked to think that she loved adventure. but the one trait, other than looks, she took from her other father was the fact she could probably fall asleep on the floor and now wake up for ten hours. "and what names did you write on the applications this time?" Sam asked, smirking a little. "uh, Hector Affarmian, and his father Bert Affarmian," Dean said. Sam just sighed and looked through the box of cassette tapes that Dean kept in the car.

"I swear man, you got to update your music," Sam said, "oh, and what do you listen to?" Dean asked, playfully offended at what Sam had said. "uh, ABBA, The Beatles, Queen, Wings, you know, the good stuff" Sam smirked. "you mean the girly shit, how many of those bands do you listen to only because you have a crush on a member?" Dean asked, knowing full well that he was going to never let Sam forget it if he said yes. "uh, a few members of the Beatles are hot, but I actually like their music," Sam said, his face growing red as he said that.

"yes, but I know you have been listening to The Beatles, and Wings since you were ten maybe even before that, and I also know that Paul McCartney leads both bands," Dean smirked. "ok, ok, ok, I might have a tiny crush on Paul McCartney," Sam admitted. "I fucking knew it!" Dean exclaimed, happy at how he managed to get Sam to admit that he has a celebrity crush, and also how he managed to get some blackmail material, it's always nice to have blackmail material for the times when you really need annoying little brothers to do shit for you.

Dean looked Sam up and down, they had just pulled up outside of a crime scene where they were going to be pretending to be federal marshalls, "ok, we got a problem," Dean said. Sam looked at what he was wearing and didn't see a problem with it, he thought he looked rather cute in the tartan print overall dress with a pair of lace stockings and a pair of Mary Janes, his pink hair was pinned back in a braided bun, he had a thin layer of foundation and had a smokey eye. so yeah, he thought he looked really nice, it was one of his favorite outfits. "I don't know what you mean?" Sam asked.

"one) you look like a girl, and not that I have a problem with it, but we're in a small town and there's still a long way before the world's fully accepting of the LGBTQ community, and two) I don't feel comfortable leaving a five-month-old baby in the car alone," Dean said, "yeah, me too, so what do you want to do about it?" Sam asked. "I think we should just go in and if anything happens I beat the crap out of them," Dean said. Sam smiled, Dean had always beaten the crap out of people who ever said anything negative about it, even their own father. Sam had long since stopped bothering to stop Dean. "let's go little brother," Dean said.  

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