Sister on Sister

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"I'm prettier than you!" Coral exclaimed
"I'm smarter than you!" Violet shouted
" I actually have friends!"
" I actually have a brain!"
" Well... Dad likes me better!"
Violet stormed into the kitchen where their dad was cooking dinner.
"Dad, who do you like better, Me!!?" Coral said in a baby voice " Or Violet" she said gloomily
"Oh, um... you honey" Pete Turtle said, obviously not knowing what he was saying.
"See!" Coral said. " He doesn't like you. No one does."
" He obviously didn't care what he was saying."
"Did so!"
"Did not!"
" We'll let's test that"

3 minutes later Pete was sitting on the couch. " Do you know what I wish?" Pete said. " I wish you two would get along". That earned many eye rolls from Violet and Coral.
"Ok, dad, I need you to tell me who you like better. Say both of us, and never be talked to again. Who do you like better?" Enquired Violet. " Coral!" Said Pete immediately.
Violets eyes turned red. Coral went and hugged her dad while Violet ran to the kitchen. She grabbed the largest knife she could find. She threw it into the living room and hoped it hit Pete.
"Now who do you like better? Dad!!" Taunted Violet
" Violet!!!" Coral screamed tearfully. " Dad!" She sobbed. Violet ran into the living room. Pete was laying, dead on the floor, not breathing; while Coral was kneeling beside him and crying quietly.Violet ripped the knife from Pete's body and was about to throw it but before she could do anything Coral turned into a turtle and jumped out the window into the endless blue below.

1 Year later: Coral

" I've been running for a year now. It's hard to keep track of time when you don't know where you are but I managed. Something kept me alive. Like a fire. Then you found me." That's what Coral told the family who picked her up after she washed up on a beach in Northern Queensland. " Wait, so you're a Turtle, but also a human?" Said the youngest daughter, Crystal. " Yes" said Coral. Crystal and the other girl, Coco, exchanged glances. " Umm... so the thing is," Said Coco " We are too". Coral looked at her in disbelief. She'd never seen another turtle before, let alone two sisters. " So are you sisters?" Coral asked. More glances. " No" said Crystal. " I never knew my parents but the first thing I remember being aware of seeing was the ocean. It helped me. I was 3 and my parents had just dropped me in the sea. Then they helped me. They picked me up and took me in. Now here we are. But we got a letter yesterday. From Kurdaitcha Academy of Magic. And one has your name on it.

1 Year later: Violet

Ever since Coral left and I killed Dad, I have made some friends, and even if they're only temporary it's still better than being lonely. When Mum died, the only thing she left behind was her rose garden. Ever since that night it has bloomed. Instead of just White Roses there are now Daisies, Peonies, Daffodils, and Sunflowers. But that's just one side. On the other side you have Venus Flytraps, Stinging Nettle, and other poisonous plants. But one morning I was having breakfast and a Kookaburra landed on my windowsill holding a letter. It read:
Dear Violet Willow
You have portrayed the skill to be accepted into Kurdaitcha Academy of Magic. Touch this button to accept our offer.
Kind regards,
Spirina Hope

I touch the dot and a fog surrounds me, it's purple and gold and black and green and then everything is fading and fading...

I wake up and I'm sitting on a seat on a train, heading towards a big dome, it's split into 6 sections, one gold, one green, one purple, one blue, one black and one red. "Wow" I say, then I notice that there are two kids sitting next to me, one is a tall gangly girl with long blond hair and the other is a shorter girl with red hair put into a bun, "Hello" the taller one says "I'm Lucy and she's Mia" Lucy gestures to Mia and Mia nods, "My name is Violet" I say, "nice to meet you" says Mia in a small voice. "We are going to be friends" says Lucy confidently, and I smile because with friends like this nothing can go wrong.

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