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Coral was sitting on the cliff one Friday admiring the pretty sunset. Vanilla was by he side as always. She was still in her school uniform and her hair was up in a high ponytail. Her legs were dangling over the edge. " I love you Vanilla" she said to her Turtle and kissed him on the head. Then it happened. A big flash of light shot out of Vanilla's body. Coral screamed and jumped back. The light dimmed and laying there was a boy with brown hair and ice blue eyes. Coral screamed as loud as she possibly could. "Who are you" she shouted in his face. "I'm Tidal or as you call me, Vanilla."She looked horrified and for the first time in her life Coral was speechless. "You're  not a turtle?" she asked sounding hurt. "Nope. I was cursed to be like this." Coral nodded before breaking down into tears. "I'm sorry" she sobbed. "It's just you were the only family I had." She continued sobbing. Tidal pulled her close. "It's ok" he comforted. They just sat there for a bit and Coral eventually stopped sobbing. "I think I'm in love with you" said Tidal. Coral pulled back looking into his eyes. "Are you?" He nodded before blushing and taking her hand. He was about to say something but suddenly the wind changed and they were greeted by a unwanted visitor. Violet. Go away Coral said coldly and leave my favourite sister alone with a boy? I don't think so said Violet. Im you only sister and we all no you don't like me Coral says. She stands up and so does Tidal still holding her hand. Go away repeats Coral but Violet ignores her and suddenly vines shoot around Tidals throat. Nooo screamed Coral before grabbing Tidal and throwing him into the ocean breaking the vines and jumping in right after him. Violet snickered and walked away not bothered to pursue them further. Coral and Tidal sawn to the beach. It was now dark and the bright crescent moon was in the sky. They sat on the beach for a bit in utter silence. Tidal took Corals hand and asked who was that? My sister. HALF sister said coral. He nodded  and they sat there in silence for a bit. So now your ya know a human you can come to school with me. I'll pull some strings and get you Enrolled in turtledore since you already know how to control magic said Coral clearly trying to hide her excitement but failing miserably. He laughed and said can't wait to go back to school followed by an eye roll. Coral totally oblivious to his sarcasm jumped into his arms and said you're gunna love school and you'll meet crystal and coco she said exciting. He smiled. And hugged her back. I cant wait he said genuilny.

First day at school
Tidal knocks at Corals, crystal and Coco's door. Crystal opened the door and said "I don't know who you are but unless you have something useful to us then scam. "Crystal don't be so mean Coco scolded. Coral walks down the stairs in a turtledore uniform with her hair in a mess bun on top of her head. Tidal!! She screamed and sprinted throwing herself into his arms. He catches her and pulls her in. Who's this eh?? Asked Crystal half sarcastic half interested. This is Tidal or as you used to k ow him as Vanilla. What!!! Crystal and Coco both screamed. He was cursed and kissed my turtle saying I love him then boom boom flash this ugly guy appeared explained Coral putting a arm around his shoulder. "Hey" Tidal said and Crystal and Coco remained speechless. So this is Vanilla? Asked Coco. Yup and he's coming to school in turtledore smiled Coral. Tidal nodded agreeing with what she had said. Ok crystal numbered clearly not trusting this guy. Come on we don't want to be late said Coco and they all went out the door.

KurdaitchaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora