The meeting

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As ink awkwardly laugh and said hello laterally everyone attention was on him staring at him he felt uncomfortable "you know what I changed my mind" ink said and he got a glare he knows too well from dream "ya nope f___this s___ I am out don't mind me I grab my stuff and leave excuse me please "while ink was saying or better singing that he opened himself a portal to the doodle sphere and walked inside but dream caught him before the portal closes and forced him to sit in his chair which is right  next to him "I got no other option? "Ink asked to get a death glare from dream that was enough to tell him no so he sat on his chair as the awkward silence continues " were the f--- were you the past five months "some one shouted breaking the silence " if i am honest started to think you were dead" someone else said "don't be stupid he can't die he is immortal" said yet another one dream cleared his throat to get everyone attention before the start shouting at each other again "you all deserve an explanation from ink for his disappearance yes but he got something important to say right ink? " dream said as he turned his attention to ink who was sitting next to him "i do? " ink asked dream face palmed while some of the others chuckled a bit it was common for ink to forget important stuff "he was talking about you and error deal ink" blue said he wanted to get that over with well both him and dream did "ooooh- that's the important thing" ink said everyone there started looking at each other since as soon as blue mention the deal "well the deal was simple error could destroy aus freely as long as they are after the 1000s and any au in case the au started glitching that's all you need to know so far" ink said now realizing that everyone was staring at him

Ink pov:-

As i finished talking i realized everyone was staring and i felt uncomfortable "so you saying you Abandoned your role as a protector? " a sans with colorful flames coming from his head and also a colorful slash mark on his chest said "well not really but you can put it that way " i said dream looked at me with a look saying what the hell you are saying right now why "yes dream i quit there is no longer star sanses" i said making myself clear "that's not what we agreed about" dream said being uncomfortable with the amount of negativity in the place while everyone else was looking at me with a shocked and betrayed expression "ink what have gotten into you " blue asked they didn't not agree about me quitting hell they didn't even know i will quit "i made up my mind and that's my final decision i quit being a protector and believe me if i can i will quit the creator role too maybe retire or something" i said i am clearly done with the role i was given "YOU CAN'T JUST QUIT LIKE THAT " said a fell sans? I stared at him making sure to use my emotionless expression "why can't i get a rest after thousand of years of work? " i said calmly with my still emotionless face "ink go take you vials " dream said so i turned my attention to him "nah no need for them " i said and returned my attention back to the fell sans "now tell me can't i get a rest like everyone? Or i am not allowed to?" I said waiting for a reply i was getting impatient "TELL ME CAN'T I" i said loudly as i slammed my hand on the table the table actually cracked "no reply eh? " u said with a smirk i clearly shocked everyone "woah who could imagine you snapping" blue said i looked at him with a not in the mood expression " i will be going " i said getting making my paint portal and went inside to original outertale and sat on the spot over the void even if it's very danger its also the best spot no wonder errors like it i laid on the ground and watched the beautiful view i felt something going down on my face so i sat up again and put my hand on my face "tears? " i said quietly to myself i am crying?
I started laughing "haha. . . i am pathetic aren't i? " i said and frowned bring my knees to my chest  "i did the right thing... But i am no longer a hero.. Heh ya i was never a hero in first place "

??? Pov:-

I heard ink say i was surprised when i saw him crying but then again fate might got banned from this multiverse but her strings and chang in codes still active since i own this multiverse now i should fix ink too "you are right you were never a hero" i said from behind him he turned his head to me to see who talked he looked confused from my look i don't blame him i am basically a yellowish white light butterfly flying in front of him "who are you and how long were you here?" He asked  " i am destiny i have been here even before you show up also no this is not how i look like its just a temporary body so i could communicate with people"

Ink pov:-

"DESTINY" i said loudly ok that's awkward "heh won't you greet to your aunt? " i was still shocked but i wanted to ask her some stuff ".... Can i ask you about something? I mean few things if possible? " i asked in a low tune like when you want something from your parents but you know they will probably refuse "of course  ask all you need" she said calmly as she landed on the ground next to me "go a head dear" she said calmly "where is fate? She didn't show up for a while" i asked as a first question that came into my mind "she got banned from this multiverse however the changes she did and strings still have a strong effect on the multiverse that i am trying to fix" she said answering my first question "oh that's explains alot and did you free error from fate strings? " i asked "i did that few hours ago he is still a sleep on his beanbag in his anti void now that also the voices a quiet he could get a good rest he deserves" she answered "oh that's good " i said and stayed quite for a while "anything else you want to ask my dear? " she said  "can you do me a favor? " i said "what kind of an aunt am i to refuse" she said to me " i want to be normal " i said "eh? What do you mean? " "i mean i want my codes to be fixed i don't want to be forced to create anymore "
"Wait wait forced? Fate took it that far to force you to create" destiny said in disbelief "ya and shatter my soul in front of me to make me soulless but somehow i got a new one" i said "don't worry i will fix this you no longer have to do anything against your wants i promise" she said and the butterfly fly near to me i felt a pat on my head i smiled softly "thank you"


Eyyy i am not dead but sadly the story coming to an end but! I will gladly do another special chapter just comment what you want and i will add it also don't worry our inky boy here will show up again in the future bye moonlights x>

reborn as ink sans but in Fgod auWhere stories live. Discover now