Mother Snake of the Monkie Kid AU + Run Away Bull Prince AU

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In this AU, this will remain the same like my Mother Snake AU, only Red Son ran away from his family.

Run Away Bull Prince AU explaining (my version):

Red Son ran away from his home because his mother was starting to lose herself after the lost of her husband, Red Son tried anyway he could to help his mother and bring his father back. One day, his mother was a huge stress, and accidentally released all her anger and stress on Red Son, unknown to her due to her stress.

This made Red Son afraid and upset, thus running away from his home as he told the Bull clones he created, to take care of his mother for him. Thus, leaving his home and to start a new fresh life in Megapolis City.

Info of this AU:

After Red Son ran away from his home until the morning, MK found Red Son and took him to his mother, Payton Scales, also known as Mûqīn Shé who was also the Mother Snake, a nice snake demon from her time before, whom Red Son recognized. Thus, she took the prince into her home as he, MK, along with Mei, who came to visit her best friend, became good friends since then.

After they growing up with Payton, Red Son looked up to her as his mother figure, sometimes Red Son always wondered how his mother was doing after he left his home. After they grew up to be young adults, he and MK left their childhood home and into Megapolis City to start their life there.

While MK worked as a delivery person in a shop called Pigsy's Noodles, Red Son opened his own mechanic shop called 'Red's Mechanics', he would sometimes visit the noodle shop to hang out with the others.

Meanwhile, when Princess Iron Fan found out Red Son was missing, she was devistated, thus she send out the Bull clones to find him, as the years go by as she slowly stopped the search to find her son, and needed a the Bull clones help to release her husband. Back then, she used one of Red Son's unused blueprints, thus making the gauntlet remove the Monkey King's staff on the mountain that trapped her husband.

Then, their adventure starts here...

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Just to be clear but the Run Away Bull Prince AU was inspired by someone on Tumblr, I forgot who the person was, but I'll be editing this soon once I found their username, anyways see ya all next time!

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