Volume 1 Chapter 2

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May 1 came and went. After the students from Class D were briefed about the situation regarding their points. They made an effort on not to be too tardy.

They also made sure not to talk during class hours, or at least pretend to do so whenever there is a lesson. They also make an effort on going to class early since they'd rather be early than late and be resented by the whole class.

But there were exceptions to this. It was Sudo and I.

Sudo was just fucking around because he still wasn't convinced that whatever we do, we wouldn't be able to increase our points. But he did try to make an effort. Every now and then he goes to class early, but would be staring at the distance while class is ongoing and be absentminded to the point that I can see that he is fighting with his closing eyelids.

As for me. It was because of my headache. I think I'm noticing the signs of me having insomnia as well. My vision was also slowly making me becoming more and more hard to see what's in front of me.

I passed off on some punishments since I did look sick. There was nothing wrong with me when the school nurse checked my body. Even though I felt my body was becoming weaker and weaker I could only let it be and try some medications to ease the pain. I don't think there would be some punishments given to me since I actually had a reason but who knows?

"Starting today at five o’clock, we will plan to study in this classroom for two hours a day until the test. If you’d like to join us, please come whenever you like. Of course, I don’t mind if you
need to leave partway. That’s all I have to say" Hirata said as class ended for the day.

The others nodded at his words seeing that it was reasonable that they would need to study unless they were willing to be expelled. Almost all of us would be attending.

The others who planned to participate huddled around each other and arranged the chairs to make it look like an open forum. It was easier this way since the smart ones could help tutor the ones who needed it.

Excluding the smart ones who was actually there not to study but to help. They helped the others but not to the point that they would be losing their own study time. So unless they were asked for help they didn't really help.

Guess what Kouenji did.

He left. Just like a dad who promised to buy milk.

As for the three idiots which included Sudo, Ike and I.

Sudo didn't even listen till the end and just went up and left. He did text me that we'll meet up on club and didn't drag me out since I might get harassed by his reputation or something.

You're worrying about my reputation when even though I probably changed in the eyes of our classmates I was still one of the three idiots.

Ike was unsure on what to do but I thought that he would sit this one out and would probably end up in Horikita's study group as per the original scenario.

As for me. I also left without minding the gazes that were sent towards me. Why would I study with the others when I can do so alone? Especially if the only thing I would need to do is revise since almost everything we're currently studying, I already know.

With that, the first day of the study group ended without the ones who actually needed it the most.

When I first arrived here the first thing I did was avoid Ayanokouji as much as possible. I didn't hang out with him as much as per the novel. But I did get his number since I remember that Yamauchi got his number on the club fair.

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