Episode 1: Straight outta Berun

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Viktor is in highschool due to him being the son of the major he's in the high classed schools. Aliza is one of his classmates. after school he would sneak of to the slums to meet his Gang Akko Sucy Constanze Jasminka and Amanda. Aliza knows his friends but she doesn't know about his adventures in the slums but he is known as the Demon of Berun anyone who stepped on their way will get their ass kicked

Viktor is in class and he's sleeping his sleep schedule isn't the best

Snobby rich boy: hey kid get up your in my seat next to this hottie who apparently has a thing for me

Aliza: pfft you wish

Viktor: listen richy rich you don't want any of these problems

Snobby rich boy: bullying or fighting isn't tolerated in this school so get up and your cat ears are ugly

He puts water on you

Viktor: But here's the thing I don't care I'll beat your ass then emote on you

Snobby rich boy: what

Professor Finneland: alright Snobby rich boy take your seat we have a new student today Diana Cavendish

Diana: thank you hello it's nice to meet you all

Professor Finneland: by the way Viktor why are you wet

Viktor: well-

Professor Finneland: nobody cares just go to the office this is obviously an attempt to get attention

Finneland is talking about the history of mage formulas and it's uses in everyday life and you walk to the office to go to the Principals office later

Viktor: wshove a stick up your ass

Finneland: watch your mouth young man

Finneland: SIT DOWN

Viktor: I'm going home

Random kids: our parents actually have money and status/ I'm being mean to you/ those cat ears look stupid/ run home like the gutter trash you are

Viktor: Jesus Christ why are you people so mean Professor are you going to do anything to stop this send kids to the office

Finneland: alright everyone stop

Viktor: the faculty is as broken as a McDonald's ice cream machine by the way random kid your head looks like an m&m and other random kid I've seen your grades they play yugioh it's time to D D D D D duel. Later idiots see ya Aliza

Aliza: later kitty cat and tell that Amanda girl I said hi

Oh yeah that's my friend Aliza Seiber my best friend and fellow waifu enjoyer

He lets out a fart and exits the rum and slams the door

Viktor: my god is my life going to always be this boring no internet nothing to do if Twitter existed in this era I would cancel Finneland and that snob

As you can see being an aristocrat isn't all fun and games. You use Schrödinger's cats power to teleport to your base everyone noticed this

Amanda: where were you sipping tea with all of the high classed members of society tell that Aliza girl I said to come over here for a little bit she's so cute sometimes

This is Amanda she's from the unified states the leader of the group and we became friends when I was looking for potential candidates to fight. She also has a thing for my friend Aliza. Her preferred method of transportation is the broom

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