In the trenches

30 3 4

A/n: enjoy

On this mission they are going to the Rhine front and they ar facing off against the Russy federation

The 204th mage battalion (Viktor's battalion) is in their cabin theirs a male and female cabin since Viktor is the only male and the female cabin is right next to his, he thought of one thing to do

Viktor: I'm in this room by myself you know what that means I'm going to play with myself

He gets out a ball and he throws it and blinks an catches it he does this a few times does some trick shots

Viktor: next karaoke!!!

Meanwhile everyone in the girls dorm was listening to him laughing at him.

Chariot: he doesn't know we are listening to him

Croix and the other girls laughs at him

Meanwhile in Viktor's room he was jumping on his bed

Viktor: Ughhh I wish I had internet

He started practice fighting

Viktor: maybe I can fight a mantis like Baki so next time I get to fight a powerful enemy I'll be even more powerful!!!

He started to fight the air as he was imagining an enemy was in front of him. He hears a knock on the door

Viktor: come in

Chariot: could you keep it down

Viktor: sure thing

He falls asleep the night goes on and it turns to morning

Viktor goes to the fridge he sees his other battalion members eating breakfast

Viktor: time to get some orange juice the best breakfast drink

He looks for the orange juice and sees there's none left. And he looks for the breakfast his mamushka made him but he finds it's eaten.

Viktor: I am triggered

Croix is eating his breakfast and drinking his orange juice

Croix: oh is this yours

Viktor: ya know what, fuck it let's catch some bodies 'maybe I can drink some blood'

They get their flight gear on a bunch of mages. They started firing their guns. Viktor blinks takes a soldier blinks back to his group and bites his neck and starts drinking his blood. Everyone just watched this in horror and confusion. He pushes him back and shoots him

Viktor: his blood tastes like shit

Vera: what did you do

Viktor: a magician never reveals his secrets

Viktor pulls out a crossbow and aims it at the sky and fires

Viktor: Viktor Degurechaff special move: Death from above

Ryujo Senki Little witch academia x Youjo Senki(Chariot x OC) LWA AUWhere stories live. Discover now