Episode 4: Mage program (training day)

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A/n: I'm on fire with these

Viktor was in class being bored and Aliza was sitting next to him

Aliza: so how was your weekend

Viktor thought about what happened this weekend ( the previous episode) him burning down that building it wasn't the first building he burned down but this one trump's all the others.
He thought of Alice's cries

Viktor: it was busy sure hope that Loria guy stays dead

Aliza: cool, wait what?

Finneland: alright we have some new students in our class today This is Atsuko Kagari, Amanda O'Neil, Sucy Mambavaran, Constanze Amalie Von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger Vera Mitrohina, and Jasminka Antonenko. Also today some of you get to join Major Du Nords battalion and a lucky one of you will be her Lieutenant

Akko: hi You can all call me Akko my goal is to be like the great Aerial Mage Shiny Chariot

Ahh if you didn't know Chariot is also a Magical performer on the side she uses explosive formulas and combines them with illusion spells to create dazzling effects

Formulas are for military mages and very high level mages

Regular magic is for civilians and don't have any combat uses besides mage blade and Murowa


Viktor: don't listen to him Akko he's just an insignificant side character

Jerry: that was mean

Viktor: I don't care enough to say sorry

Vera: hello

Viktor: oh your Mitrohina right

Vera: Yes I wish you luck in the next4 month's

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Vera: Yes I wish you luck in the next4 month's

Viktor: umm ok

They all sit down in their seats. Someone with cabbage colored hair comes over

Diana: if you look up to Chariot I take it your trying out for her battalion I'm sadly here to tell you that you won't succeed

Akko: yeah why

Hannah: well they only accept the cream of the crop and that's what Diana is  in every single way

In that moment Akko only thought of one sine thing

Akko: well Diana me and you from now on me and you are rivals

Ryujo Senki Little witch academia x Youjo Senki(Chariot x OC) LWA AUWhere stories live. Discover now