First Mission (can i get a side of fries)

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A/n: let's go

Viktor is in his Dream scape

Schrodinger: Viktor I have a gift for you. you haven't reached the full potential of my power to use uncertainty there are two forms of energy everywhere and nowhere if you use everywhere on someone or something besides yourself it will explode for you it will just make your attacks feel like they are coming out of everywhere. Attack wise you've been using nowhere the whole time with your blinks and jumps and partial jumps. There are ways you can use uncertainty. Uncertainty is more of like a state of being only when you use everywhere and nowhere will you achieve this state.

Viktor: another day

Viktor gets up out of bed and goes to eat some breakfast

Viktor: good morning Mamushka

Visha: good morning Viktorshe goes up to him and gives him a hug (btw the book cover is what Viktor looks like) Viktor is Taller than Visha

Viktor: where's Mom

Visha: she's at work she dropped Alice off to school I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday with Croix and Chariot

Viktor: Croix is an asshole

Visha: that is not how you talk about a superior officer

Viktor: I don't care what kind of- breathe Viktor breathe

Viktor: Croix ate my lunch she trolled me and she gaslight me

Visha: I'll talk to her

Viktor: she also made me pee on the ground in front of everyone

Visha had a sheepish smile walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek

Visha: I'm proud of the person you were becoming you saved your sister you helped a family even though you could have failed the exam

Viktor blushed

Viktor gave Visha a hug ( Viktors kind of a mama's boy or Mamushka's boy) which was reciprocated

Viktor: t-thank you

Visha: now my little lemon go out and make me proud I ironed your clothes and your specialized Computation orb came in from Doctor Schugel
(The Type 95)

In that moment Viktor felt power as if this jewel held the key, the key to the realm of the divine

Viktor: oooh

Viktor got dressed and was about to eat

Viktor: now time to get me some orange juice and some bacon and eggs and pancakes

He drank some orange juice

Viktor: nothing like a good cup of orange juice

Visha: you really like orange juice

Viktor: yes it's the best breakfast drink

Viktor heads out with rifle in hand and walks to the base and sees his squad

Viktor: Major Du Nord 2nd lieutenant Viktor Serebryakova Degurechaff reporting for duty

Chariot: good morning Lieutenant are you alright you fainted yesterday I need to check if my Flight partner is ok

She reaches out for a hand shake which Viktor returns

Viktor: you care about me

Chariot: yeah

Viktor: Noice

Chariot: how was your morning

Viktor: I drank my cup of orange juice

Ryujo Senki Little witch academia x Youjo Senki(Chariot x OC) LWA AUWhere stories live. Discover now