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It took a week for Jihoon to message Junkyu asking him if the next day was good for him to go out or not. Junkyu grinned looking at the message... Took you long enough park Jihoon. He replied with a sticker of 'OK' then he asked about the place and Jihoon said that he'll know soon enough. He closed his phone and went back to his video game. He was going out with Jihoon the next day. I'm going out with Jihoon tomorrow. He smiled at the thought . Wait, I AM GOING OUT WITH JIHOON TOMORROW???!!! Well that was the normal reaction. What should he do? What should he wear. If he asks someone he'll appear suspecious_as if he's not already_ because after all he's going out with Jihoon. What a big deal!!! Of course it is. It had their fans jumping, punching the air, screaming, squealing and some were crying (uhm me).

He paused the game and walked to his closet and opened it, stared at it. 90% of whatever was there were hoodies and the other 10% were some various pieces of clothes; shirts, T-shirts different colors of pants. He wanted to appear casual yet better than just casual. INFPs and their minds of course. After, throwing the white pieces away, his eyes settled on a dark red shirt he never wore _because he basically forgot it existed... Perfect...Casual because it's simple wear and better than casual because it's Jihoon's favorite color. Now the other part; pants. Black or blue.

He was biased for Black because it was his favorite color but if he wore it. He'd look too formal so the blue it is.

Well that was easier than he had expected it right? Wrong. The shoes now; what on earth could math with such an outfit. He basically had nothing that can perfectly fit but he wanted to wear that shirt so bad _for personal reasons of course (Jihoon's fav color pfft)_ so searching for another thing to wear wasn't an option there. He thought of an idea, it was bad but it was his best option. If he didn't own something that satisfies him, someone must already had and who had the best shoes that match well with his taste... Yoshi.

He was hesitant about knocking on his door but he did anyways and the blonde haired boy greeted him and welcomed him in without knowing his purpose yet. Junkyu sat on the side of the bed, holding both of his shirt and pants in one hand and tapping on the floor with his shoe.

"So..." started Yoshi "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah yeah it's just..." said Junkyu then looking up at Yoshi "Promise me you won't tell anyone" The older looked at him suspiciously, a part of him knew what this was about "And promise me you won't scream"

"Yeah you have my word" said Yoshi

"So me and Jihoon ..." Junkyu cleared his throat "We're going out tomorrow" Yoshi's eyes widened and he pursed his lips to let out an almost muted squeal. Junkyu palmed his forehead at how silly he looked, yet inside he was happy. He felt less stressed that there are people cheering for him and Jihoon even though they weren't a thing. But it's always nice to know how people thought about them. "You're acting like an 11 year old fangirl right now"

"Sorry" said Yoshi, though not sounding like it but Junkyu had to focus on the main mission here.

"So i chose these for tomorrow" he said exposing his choices of closes. Yoshi nodded in appreciation.

"Nice" he said "Really nice"

"So the problem is, i don't have any shoes that will go well with them"

"I do have a collection that might work out for you" replied the other as he headed to his closet. A score. Junkyu sighed in relief. He knew he could trust Yoshi with things like this. Besides he went out a lot with Jihoon so he might have a clue about the place... Right.

"Uhm" Yoshi turned his head after Junkyu coughed to get his attention "Do you have any clue about were is Jihoon taking me?"

"He didn't tell you?" said Yoshi, returning to his work to chose the best pairing of shoes to go well with Junkyu's choices.


"Well, I don't have a clue either" he said as he stood up with a box in his hand "But Jihoon always choses good places so don't worry about that" The younger nodded understanding "What do you think about those?" he said showing a couple of dark red sneakers with a simple black writing on the back to identify the brand. Junkyu's face lit up as he found a treasure.

"These would do perfectly fine" He said as he grabbed the box from Yoshi's hand "Thanks budd"

"Yeah no problem" said Yoshi, then his mouth opened slightly as he remembered something. If Junkyu and Jihoon were going out tomorrow that mean that "It's going to be only me and Hyunsuk tomorrow then" The younger looked up at him and smiled in understanding.

"Are you scared?" said Junkyu

"Do you think he likes me too?"

"Ask him and you'll find out" said Junkyu opening the door to leave "Good luck to you!" he cheered then closed the door behind him immediately.

"Yeah, you too Junkyu you too" He said yet the latter already left the room. He told both Junkyu and Jihoon about his fat crush on Hyunsuk because he trusted them the most... Friends for life... Even though Junkyu haven't told him, he knew he had a thing for Jihoon. Maybe even bigger than what he had for Hyunsuk. He wasn't obvious, in fact, when he first got to know the team. He thought that they hated each other but then there was a thing about them again. Something he couldn't quite identify. Junkyu treated Jihoon differently and that what made him certain about Junkyu's side yet Jihoon. He was so hard to read, he acts with everyone the same way so he didn't know if he felt anything special for the younger or not. He hoped so, really wished for it, for Junkyu's happiness. For his own _and Hyunsuk's_sanity as well because they were so perfect for each other as if they were made for each other. It sounds cliché but from his perspective it was real.

Jihoon texted him later that day and told him to sleep early because they'll be leaving early and when the youngest asked about the reason, he got a simple convincing reply... "Hyunsuk hyung won't let us go in peace". And so he slept early that day after setting him alarm..

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