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8 am in the morning

Junkyu was standing in front of his mirror fixing his hair. He looked proudly at himself when he finished. He picked up a feminine Saint Laurent purse with a long belt and placed in on his shoulder then quietly leaving his room as if he was a thief. He met with Jihoon on the way as well and they both let out some hushed giggles. When they closed the door behind them, the younger took his moment to appreciate Jihoon's outfit. A long sleeved see through shirt, couple of blue jeans and shoes as the same color as his topping. He looked fresh_and hot_ and pleasing.

"Finally the Kim Junkyu is out of his dungeon" he said teasingly. Junkyu rolled his eyes and smiled and proceeded his way to the elevator.

"Good morning to you too Park Jihoon" the older followed amused and went in the elevator with Junkyu, silence filling up their existence but it felt good and comforting. They left the building, it was still early in the morning so there wasn't a lot of people there which calmed Junkyu's senses a little bit.

"So where are you taking me mister mysterious?" Jihoon laughed at his new nickname and Junkyu echoed that laugh.

"First things first" said Jihoon "We'll have breakfast in a nice caffé i know and then we'll do some fun stuff. We have the entire day". Junkyu nodded, he loved this 'entire day' thingy. Him and Jihoon together for an entire day together. Life was good.

They didn't talk much on their way. Just some small comments about the weather from Jihoon and some Junkyu 'aww'ing at stray cats which earned him some chuckles from the older. Jihoon started walking in small alleys and Junkyu followed him confused. They passed by small houses, bakeries and a florist, Junkyu never knew they existed before.

"We're here" Jihoon stopped walking in front of a small really beautiful coffee shop. The outdoors were painted in light blue and it hard some yellow fake flowers by the entrance. It was really pretty. Jihoon smiled when he saw the latter open his mouth wide in surprise. "I know you don't like crowds so, i picked this one for you" Junkyu looked at him and a shade of pink found its way on his cheeks. He didn't respond he just smiled and followed the other inside. They picked their orders then started chatting about the most random things ever. Junkyu felt lighter as time passed. Nothing has changed. They're always like that, even if they had nothing in common they'll always find ways to make each other smile, laugh and simply make each other's lives better.

When they finished their breakfast, Jihoon took the younger to plushis shops. He knew how much the younger loved these and no matter how many he had already he's always welcoming new friends with his collection. Junkyu stood staring at some cute key chains placed by the cashier's counter as they were paying for the plushies they chose.

"Do you want those ?" said Jihoon making the younger startle a little. Junkyu smiled fondly at him. He thanked him mentally for being so caring and attentive because he'll never be able to ask for these.

"Yeah but they're for couples so..." He said looking back at them.

"Let's get them then" said Jihoon as if it was the most normal thing to say. Butterflies filled Junkyu's belly. Does he take this date seriously? As if we were a real couple? He shook his head slightly and bit on his lower lip. Don't get yourself too excited Junkyu... But, inside he was just so delighted and he couldn't blame himself after all. Imagine your crush buying you couple items. It was too romantic in Junkyu's head even though their members do it all the time.

They left the store together, but a glowing smile was obvious on Junkyu's face. He's satisfied and that relieved Jihoon a little. They took a long walk by the han river just chatting casually. Everything went so smooth, that Junkyu thought he was dreaming for a second. If he knew it would be this fun and stress relieving to hang outdoors with Jihoon, he would have agreed to it a long time ago. They hands touched briefly while they were walking, and he just wanted to hold his hands, intertwine his fingers with his. It would feel like holding the entire universe in one hand. It's not like they haven't done it before, they did a lot of times unintentionally and it made feel Junkyu feel good. But again, Jihoon wasn't his.

When noon arrived and the sun started to burn their heads, they decided it was time to go grab some lunch. Jihoon had a plan for a restaurant as well. Basically it took him a week to find it. And it was perfect. Away from everyone, special, delicious food, romantic and totally amazing. He was right because Junkyu loved it the second he went in. They took a table for two people. Luckily there weren't too many people there, one of the reason why Jihoon picked it.

"Wow Park Jihoon" said Junkyu still having his eyes wandering over the place "You really know a lot of good places"

"Well i feel flattered" replied the other "You'll know why i picked this one soon enough" And as soon as he said these words, a pretty waitress welcomed them and gave them the menus to look at and pick their orders. The prices weren't that expensive either which made it even better. When they told her about their desires, she wrote them down and gave them too papers. Junkyu looked at them confused.

"You see these lamps above us?" said Jihoon "They're filled with the customers wishes... You write down three things you want the most in this bucket list and they hang it up with the lamps" Junkyu stared at him. So romantic Park Jihoon so fucking romantic. This was doing no good to him. Jihoon grabbed one of the pens placed on the table and started writing down his desires.

"You already have something in your head?" asked Junkyu curiously. Jihoon nodded positively.

"I am just writing the 3 things i want to do most right now, i'm not thinking too much about it"

"Yeah i should probably do the same"

He looked down at the paper it had one sentence written in bold on top of it. "Before i die i would..." then three lines and other writing in small capitals briefly saying that privacy is guaranteed. He took a deep breath and wrote down his wishes.

Before i die i would

1- Hold the hands of the man in front of me

2-Kiss the man in front of me

3- Make the man in front of me mine

These were the things he wanted most at that moment. Thinking about how thoughtful Jihoon was, how caring and romantic he was. He was pretty much convinced that the 'romantic' part was just in his head because Jihoon was always that warm and kind. He always makes your heart flutter and jump in joy, and Junkyu was lucky enough to be sitting in front of him in a place like that.

"What did you write?" said Jihoon catching the other off guard by leaning suddenly. Junkyu gasped and held the paper too close to his chest.

"What the f-" he said and Jihoon's laugh rang in the place "You scared me"

"It looks like you wrote classified informations"

"Show me yours then" said Junkyu challenging. Jihoon looked at him in defeat.

"Okay fine you win" he said then giggled "I won't show you mine and you won't show yours"

If you ask Junkyu, he wouldn't call that a win. He really wanted to know what did Jihoon want at the very moment he was sitting in front of him. What did he think about when had the younger smiling and chatting with him the entire day. The food eventually came, the placed the papers next to them as they started eating. Junkyu couldn't hide, how amazed he was by the food. The older felt happy that everything was going well. 

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