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They went to the arcade later on and spent the entire afternoon there, till the heat went down and some refreshing air started to kiss their skins. The sun was setting down as they walked back to their dorms. Their bodies felt tired yet somehow inside, everything felt light and blissful. The tall buildings were painted with fierce orange of the sun coming down. Everything was peaceful. Life was good

"Is there anywhere else you'd like to go first?" Jihoon asked. Junkyu suddenly realized that their date is coming to an end yet he didn't have much of an experience to suggest somewhere. He was already tired but he didn't want to end the day with Jihoon. Not yet, just maybe if he could just freeze the time and have longer moments with him. Moments that don't end.

"Do you want to..." he said almost inaudible but the other heard him "Maybe... I don't know if you... Want to but... You know" Junkyu cursed himself. He was just saying nonsense at that point and Jihoon was patient. He gave him time to make up his mind. He tapped on his back to comfort him and Junkyu melted at his touch. He had no other choice but to gather his courage in one hand, tell what's on his mind and face his fears.

"We can hang out in my room" he said "If you want to of course" He finally said it. Jihoon suddenly stopped walking. Junkyu closed his eyes and gulped then turned to look at him. What was that look? Something mixed between, surprise and joy. And it did things to Junkyu, if he could capture the moment he would. The glow in Jihoon's eyes, he could see the entire universe there. A whole other world were Junkyu could live without any fear from what's happening and from the future possibilities. He suddenly felt like crying, Jihoon was just so beautiful that he wanted to cry. He felt sorry for himself for being a coward and unable to express his feelings through words. If he did maybe that celestial beauty would be his own. If he just was a better person...

"I want to, yeah" said Jihoon after a long silence "I'm sorry i just felt so surprised"

"Dramatically surprised" said Junkyu teasingly.

They walked back home and as they expected they were welcomed by Hyunsuk who was basically waiting for them at the door. He asked hundreds of questions yet both of them felt too tired to answer anything so they just excused and went to their individual rooms. Junkyu took a deep breath the moment he laid on his bed. Recalling everything from today: the amazing breakfast and lunch, how their hands _accidently_ touched while playing in the arcade, Jihoon's smile, Jihoon's eyes, Jihoon's gaze, his face his lips. Jihoon, Jihoon Jihoon.

He changed his clothes into some comfy hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. It was about time for dinner so he gathered with the rest in the kitchen while Hyunsuk cooked them something for 'celebration'. It was so ridiculous, that both Yoshi and their eldest is making this huge fuss about it. He couldn't stop talking about how disappointed he felt that they left without telling him but then he starting asking about details. Jihoon wasn't there already so, Junkyu took the talk. Without noticing it, he sounded so excited and enthusiastic telling them about how Jihoon slipped in the arcade in front of everyone and how funny his embarrassed faced looked like. The other two shared looks and then smiles feeling happy that Junkyu seemed to have a great time outside. They were proud.

"Maybe you should tell them more about how you spent 40 dollars on a mini retro arcade machine" Jihoon said as he walked in to join the conversation.

"40 dollars?!" said Yoshi surprised

"He's exaggerating it was just 38.9 dollars" said defending. Jihoon approached him and started tickling him saying that it's the same thing. Junkyu couldn't help but laugh and ask him to stop. The other two just stood there enjoying the show...(us 2)

"At least go get a room guys" said Hyunsuk, serving the dinner. That's when they stopped, feeling slightly embarrassed but what they were doing. It wasn't new to them being all this clingy around each other but it had been a really long time since they did. The dinner was full of talking about Jihoon and Junkyu. Somehow, the youngest liked that, he wasn't acting annoyed, he just enjoyed it even the teasing comments. Jihoon, well was still Jihoon, he would just blush to when it came to Junkyu like always.

After dinner they all helped wash the dishes, and clean the kitchen. Hyunsuk proceeded to his room first leaving the 00 line together.

"So.." said Yoshi as if he was going to announce something "We're together". Junkyu got what the other meant yet Jihoon stood confused since he didn't have his share about the plan of Yoshi confessing his feelings for Hyunsuk. He startled when Junkyu jumped next to him then hugged Yoshi saying congratulations a lot of times. It took him some time to finally process what was going on and his face lit up in joy knowing that Yoshi got his 'happy ending'.

"You both betrayed me, how come i didn't know about this whole thing"

"Well it was just a casual conversation" said Junkyu "You don't have to know everything Jihoon"

"But i deserve to know right?" he replied back.

"Okay both of you calm down" said Yoshi stepping in as he sensed that there was a fight coming. He would've enjoyed them bickering yet both of them were so happy the entire day so let's not ruin that. They both looked at him, then at each other and laughed.

"Go spend time with your boyfriend instead of spending it with two single losers" said Junkyu jokingly but he earned a smirk from Yoshi. A one he knew too well "I'll just head to my room"

"And leave Jihoon by himself?" said Yoshi "You're so hard-hearted" he finished in a very dramatic way, yet Junkyu pushed him out of the kitchen with a small slap on his bum bum and a thumbs up. It was just them now and Junkyu could feel the tension build in his body. He turned and grabbed Jihoon by his hand. The older looked surprised at first, Junkyu himself didn't know were did he get that courage from. 

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