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"Shall we?" he said and pulled Jihoon by his hand to his room. He waiting for him to tease him, tell him something like 'i can walk by my own mom' or 'What is it princess' but the other didn't say anything. The walk to Junkyu's room felt so long in Junkyu's head. He just made a move and he got no reaction from Jihoon which scared him even more. He felt encouraged that things went well with Yoshi he thought maybe, maybe if god allows that he'll end up being Jihoon's as well. For years he had no hope but that day made him feel so well, like everything is good and... Jihoon held his hand back. Junkyu's brain stopped functioning when he felt the small squeeze of the other's hand on his. He felt scared to turn to look at him, so he just opened the door and went in with Jihoon, hands still intertwined. He didn't know what was the next move, it was totally improvised, like an action born right in the moment.

"Should i turn the switch on?" asked Jihoon all of the sudden. Junkyu felt his heart racing inside his chest when he heard the other's question... Voice... The other's voice spilling the question. Exactly.

"I- uhm No, let's just lay down and talk like the old days"

"Yeah i missed that"

Junkyu let go of the other's hand only so he can open the lamp on his desk. He knew Jihoon was scared of darkness, so a small light to kick out the other's demons wasn't a bad idea. He marched to his bed and laid down next to Jihoon, who had already settled down and there it was, the deafening silence. They didn't mind it, but Junkyu had so much going on inside of his head at that moment. They were so close, arms brushing against each other and basically sharing one pillow.

"Junkyu" said the older. The other gulped, then he relaxed his body against the mattress. There was no point of stressing himself after all, he just wanted some nice time with Jihoon "Do you know why i was so surprised when you asked me to stay in for the night?" The other turned to look at him, he let some humms go as he was guessing the reason.

"Is it because i never did that before ?"

"No, yes but actually no, a part of it"

"You're talking like me right now" said Junkyu and they both laughed.

"The reason was because i wrote that down in the bucket list" The younger felt his cheeks burn, in fact thinking about it. One of his wishes came true, which was holding Jihoon's hand. He gasped when he realized that and he totally understood why it took Jihoon that long to process.

"Wah!" he said "That's so scary"

"I know right"

"I am curious what else you wrote on your bucket list" said Junkyu

"Well i shared one your turn now i guess"

"No way!" he said letting out a nervous laugh and then back to brief silence. The only sound in the room was their unmatched breath, nervous ones that were held back and replaced by calm, deep exhales and inhales in a very disorganized way. The silence was jeopardizing Junkyu's mind a second after second. So he decided to break it.

"Are you asleep?"

"Nope" a simple short answer that brought Junkyu back to his senses_and sanity_.

"I've been wondering lately..." said Junkyu, taking a glance at Jihoon besides him. "Didn't some stuff lose its meaning after we became famous"

"Hmm... Like what?" asked Jihoon

"I don't know, like, our imperfections. Our right to make mistakes..."

"Yeah even love lost its meaning" Junkyu's heart sank deep in his chest. Suddenly he felt an unpleasant feeling in his stomach after hearing Jihoon's words

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