1. Car hui Bekar

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Ughh.. I'm so late. My boss will kill me.
I'm working as the head of design team in Kapoor Interiors. Though a small firm, it's quite popular.
I have a meeting with the boss today...Sonia Kapoor, the owner of Kapoor Interiors. And that woman always finds an opportunity to embarrass me and today she won't leave me. I don't know how I have offended her, but she never leaves a chance to make me doubt myself.

The meeting was set at 10 am but I got the email that the meeting has been preponed at 9 am. I'm sure she done it intentionally.. She can never see me in peace.

I was driving my second hand Hundai 10 to the office. From my place, the office is 30 minutes ride but due to busy road of Delhi, it easily takes more than it.

I stopped at the red light and thought about the excuses I can give..

I started the car when it turned green. I drove forward and then...I felt the hard blow at the right side of the car...

Someone hit my car... What the...

It got disbalanced and was going to collide with the traffic pole..oh no...oh no...please save me...please God...
I somehow regained the control and turned the steering wheel and hit the break at time...
I was breathless, sweat was forming on my forehead...my entire body is shaking..

I'm okay..I'm okay... I comforted myself...nothing happened to me..but..aahhhh...my baby...my only ride..

I got out of the car still feeling trembling from inside...and surveyed the right side... It's even horrible than I thought...there is a huge dent. I looked at the car that hit me..

Mercedes...Of course rich people think they own the road and would go as they want without caring for the traffic rules.

I go to that car, a man stepped out of the driving seat. He looked to be in mid 30's.."Are you alright? " he asked..the audacity.. "Do I look alright to you" I said in a shaky voice. "Didn't you see the red light..If you are so incapable of using your eyes please do a favor to the world, and give it to someone who will make use of it".
He just gave me an apologetic look... " Look miss, it was a mistake.. You are all fine.. No harm done"
I scoffed..no harm done!!
" Yeah..but what if the harm had been done huh " I marked. He was going to say something but got a call. He looked at the direction of the back seat and picked the call.. "Yes sir.. Yeah.. It's.. "

I looked in same direction. The mirror was lowered just a inch so that only the pair of eyes are visible..stormy grey eyes...so unique...
The man who I assume is the driver cut the call and turned to me " Miss. Wait for a second"
He turned and go to back seat..the mirror lowered some more and a tattoed hand came out holding something that looked like a paper and handed it to the other man.

The driver came to me and placed that paper in my hand "Sir said this would be enough to repair the damage" he told me .
A cheque of 50000.
" Now please move your car aside. You have already taken our lot of time" saying that he got inside the car and was gone.
It was only then I realised what he said.

I've taken a lot of time..the nerve..gosh...where do you make such men God. They were the one who were driving in a wrong lane without any consideration of traffic rules..hit my car..my life was on stake and I'm the one who is wasting their time for confronting them.

I was agitated now. How kind of them to think that the money will be enough...No apologies, no regrets just a goddamn cheque and they are gone.

Well a great way to start a day.

I got in my car and finally reached the office.. 35 minutes late. I entered inside and everyone was giving me looks. I ignored them as much as I can and continued walking to Boss's cabin.
"Hey girlie" I heard a soft voice behind me. "Hii Priya" I greeted her smiling. Hope it's not looking too fake.
Priya is in my team. We met one and a half years ago when she joined and we instantly clicked. She has dark brown hair with brown eyes and a oval shaped face. She is beautiful but never flaunts it.
"Tell me I'm not in trouble" my eyes pleaded her. She just gave me sympathetic look and wished me luck as we already reached boss's office aka my hell place.
I knocked twice then entered. There sat Mrs Sonia in her chair working on some file. I cleared my throat to make my presence. She slowly look upward. "Oh so princess finally got time to grace us with her presence" She taunted in her high pitched voice, which I'm sure is audible to everyone on this floor.
Iwas already dying of embarrassment and it just started.." Maam please it's not like that-" I tried to voice but she cut me in middle.."then what is it like. You knew this meeting was very important. We were going to decide our final designs and timeline for the new project. But you decided to not show up" she shouted.
"I- I got in an accident..that's why I'm late". She then looked at me up and down " You look fine to me".
Is she for real. Do I've to look all broken for that. I ignored her comment as usual.
"I'm really sorry. It won't happen again and these are the design and proposal" I said giving her the files but she stopped me and said " No need. We have already done all the arrangements. "
"Wh-what but how" She just gave me a side smirk " Doesn't matter and yes one more thing. No need to come here again.. You are no longer required for the job.. You are fired".
Fired.. My 3 years of hardwork and I'm fired just like that. Come on it wasn't even a valid reason. I got in an accident for God's sake.

Ugghh.. My head hurts

I looked at my almost empty cup of coffee..God bless who ever invented this..
I'm at a cafe..i needed something to erase the last hours so the caffeine it is...After being fired and receiving the pity glances of my coworkers I left that place as soon as possible.
No, I'm not coward for running away and to not defend myself.. I just didn't want to.. I was tired of that sick environment.
And now I am unemployed. Ughh.. I want to cry. What will my parents say. They would be so upset.
Let's think about that later.
After finising my drink I payed the bill and went out of the cafe. It was evening now.. I've lost the count of time i think.

I was in the parking lot and got to where my car was parked but something caught my eye.
Black Mercedes. It's the same one from morning. I can tell it.. I wouldn't forget the root cause of all my problems today.
The devil inside me woke up. My lips turn upward.
I looked here and there and no one.. Hehe..
I searched for something, anything that would cause a damage and luckily found a rod at the very corner and took it.
I was full of adrenaline. My almost accident, Sonia, the insult, my job, it all come to me in a full force. It all happened because of this damn car and the man inside it...
I swinged the rod back and hit the front mirror of car hard. It didn't do much... But it didn't stop me...

I continuously hit the car until the glass began to shatter.. I did that to all the sides.. Even manged to puncture the tires.
Feeling sated with it's condition I took out the cheque that the so called Sir has given me and pen from my purse and wrote a note at the back of the cheque. "Hope this will be enough Sir" and stuck it on the windshield.

I feel so satisfied seeing the damage.
I clicked a picture of the car as a souvenir and with a proud smile I got inside my car and drove off to my apartment.

Ufff... So much for a single day.


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