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July of 2022

Jamie: Did you watch it??

Annelise: Of course I did love.

J: Aaand???

A: Well...

J: What??

A: IT. WAS. AMAZING. Jesus Christ Jamie!! Is there anything you can't do in this world?? Honestly now.

J: Ahhhhh I' m so happy you liked it darling!! Thank you so much!! I was really worried about your opinion.

A: You're so talented dear, did you really think I wouldn't like it? All of the others as well of course. Ah, all of you are astounding. Still can't get over Eddie's death btw. But that's another thing. I will need to complain to Matt and Ross about that ;). So how've you been darling??

J: Ahh, the same dear. Running around like crazy. Just came back in London for some events here. We've just finished the press junket and I'm off to Brazil next week for another event.

A: Wow, Brazil! Amazing!! How come??

J: Well, they invited us with Joseph for a meet and greet and such, I was telling you about it, remember? So we'll stay there for a week or so. I'm very excited!!

A: Yeah, I remember! That's great. I'm so proud of you love, you never stop amazing me.

J: Stop it now, behave! J So how've you been dear? I've been worried about you. Is everything okay? You sounded exhausted in our last call.

A: Yeah, well.. I'm ok, I guess.

J: ...

A: Okay, here goes nothing. So, you remember I told you I was thinking of getting some days off work, right?

J: Yeah. You really needed them. Are you still off?

A: Well, yeah, actually.. I quit.


A: Finally someone who expresses their real opinion about this. I mean...finally!! You have no idea how relieved I am!

J: I'm happy for you dear. You weren't happy there. Off to new things now!!

A: Yes, about that..

J: Tell me. Tell me. Tell me nowww

A: Actually, I was planning on telling you in person. I.. I'm thinking of coming to London soon.

J: YES. YES. When are you coming? Please tell me you're coming next week. I want to have time and see you a bit before I go to Brazil. And it can't wait until after we come back!! Ooh ooh I know! You should come to Brazil with us!! Yes!!

A: Hahah, no, no dear, I'd love to, really, but I can't. I'll tell you everything in person, I promise. I can be there next Tuesday, I think, when are you leaving?

J: Excellent, I'll have some time to see you! We're leaving on Thursday. You're staying at my place, of course.

A: No dear, I've booked a hotel room. Honestly, you have so much going on, I really don't want to be a burden.

J: Shush. You're staying at my place. End of story. Cancel your bookings.

You can go on typing as much as you want, but you know I'll win in the end. So my place it is. Excellent. Everything's arranged.

A: Couldn't even utter a word. Ugh, how can I say no to you, really??

J: Did you honestly think I'd let you stay in a hotel? Really? Uh, I'm so happy you're coming, I've missed you so much darling.

A: Same here love. Same here ♥

Annelise smiled at Jamie's hearts, she sent him a heart-eyes face and put the phone on the table. She lit a cigarette and smiled lightly. She was going home.

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