Chapter 3

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Same night

Joe's house

The night went by beautifully. We ate and drank and laughed a lot, and any shyness I might have had in the beginning of the night had disappeared. Joe was so warm and polite and friendly, I really felt I'd known him for ages.

We had finished eating and had moved to the couch with our wines and cigarettes, talking. He was talking to me about his experience working in Stranger Things and I was sharing my experiences with all the amazing cast and crew of the show.
"It really is a pity we didn't get to work together though" he said at some point.
"It is" I replied looking at my glass. "But you never know" I thought, but didn't tell him again. I didn't want to make him feel awkward again.
"So.." he started. "Is your boyfriend coming soon to find you?" he asked. Before I could answer, he went on. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound rude, I just know how difficult it is to be in a long-distance relationship, so.."
"No no, you're not rude at all. In fact.. he's not coming back, actually" I looked down at my hands again, hoping not to burst into tears again, like last night with Jamie.
Joe realized what I meant and cut it off immediately. "Oh..oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry, shouldn't have asked in the first place."
I knew he felt bad, and he shouldn't.
"Don't be" I reassured him, touching his hand lightly. "Honestly, it's a lot better now" I continued. Joe smiled lightly with his bright eyes looking into mine and with my spine shivering once more.

We talked a bit more and didn't realize how time passed.
"Wow, it's 2 am! I have to go!" I said at some point, looking at my watch. "I didn't realize it was so late! You probably have a lot to do since you're leaving tomorrow" I finally said, standing up from the couch. Joe stood up as well.
"Everything's ready, don't worry dear," he put his glass on the coffee table. "Besides, I never go to bed early" he smiled, putting his hands on his waist. " don't have to leave, yet, actually" he said shyly. "Unless you want to, of course." I looked up at him to see he had blushed.
"I'd love to, really" I said, leaning towards the coffee table and grabbing the glasses. "But I really have to leave you rest, and go check on Jamie as well. We'll continue our conversation asap though" I went on, with the glasses in my hands, and walked towards the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" Joe asked following me. He stopped me and grabbed the glasses from my hands.
"I have to help you a little, you've done everything and-"
"You can't be serious" Joe interrupted me, laughing and putting the glasses onto the kitchen island. "You're my guest!"
"Of course, but I can only wash the glasses and-" I started, grabbing the glasses again.
"Don't even think about it" he interrupted me once more. He took the glasses from my hands once more and we looked at each other without talking for some seconds. I sighed.
"Okay" I smiled. He smiled. I really didn't want to leave. We stood there for some more seconds. I suddenly broke the eye contact, looking around awkwardly.
"So I... well, thank you so much for tonight" I said going towards the couch to take my purse. Joe walked the other way around to go get my jacket.
"Everything was great" I went on as he came back and helped me put it on. He smiled.
"Thank you for the lovely night" he said, caressing my arm. We walked towards the door and stood in front of it for some more seconds.
"When you come back from Brazil we'll do it again" I said "and we owe some food to Jamie as well".
Joe laughed. "Of course dear" he said. I really couldn't break the eye contact. But I had to.
"So" I started again, "have a great trip to Brazil, have lots of fun with my boy and visit as many places as you can!" I approached him for a hug and he closed his arms around me tightly.
"Thank you so so much. Don't forget to text me when you're at home, all right?" he said, still smiling. I nodded.

Before I left he took my hand and kissed it.

About 40 minutes later I was at home. Jamie hadn't arrived yet. I took my phone out and sent a message to Joseph as I had promised, to let him know I was at home and well.

We talked all night long.

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