Chapter 2

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Same night

Jamie's house

When we finally got home I was too tired, but couldn't sleep. So we ended up talking with Jamie sitting on the living room floor, in the dark, smoking.

"So, is Chris coming soon? How are you working this out?" Jamie asked me, referring to my boyfriend, for whom I had left everything to follow him in Madrid.
"I don't think he's coming anytime soon" I replied blankly.
Jamie looked at me questioningly, furrowing his eyebrows.
"We broke up" I said in one breath. I smiled ironically, thinking about Chris.
"Wh-what the fuck??" Jamie hid his mouth with his hand.
"Oh yes" I continued in the same tone. "I dumped him."
"Oh my God darling, are you okay? What happened??" Jamie asked worried, taking my hand into his.
"I caught him fucking his 'assistant' in his office, that's what happened" I said, sipping on my wine. Jamie didn't speak. He just let me go on.
"Ugh, unbelievable. I just stood there, as they tried to hide and explain that 'it wasn't what I thought'. And then I did the worst thing I could do. I gave him one more chance. But he blew it once again."
"What? What do you mean?"
"We went through a huge crisis after that, I moved out and stayed to a friend's house, he came and called everyday crying and apologizing and asking me to forgive him and give him one more chance. Well, I thought, we'd been together for what, 7 years? So I did give another chance. We tried to fix it and fix ourselves, both of us. I had huge trust issues after that, but I tried so hard to make it work again. And then he went and did it again. That moth**cker did it again."
"Jesus Christ An!" Jamie hugged me, caressing my back. "Why didn't you tell me anything? I'm so sorry love" he said.
"Don't be" I said, not breaking the hug. "I couldn't tell you through the phone. And I guess, I felt embarrassed to tell anyone. Can you imagine?" I finally broke the hug and lit one more cigarette. "I felt embarrassed because he destroyed everything we ever had!" I couldn't help myself anymore and broke into tears. Jamie caressed me and held me again.
"Oh darling" he kept saying in a broken voice.
"I mean" I started again, wiping my tears, "we all make mistakes, right? But.. but this was.. I just..he broke me, Jamie. He did. I don't know how I'm ever gonna trust anyone ever again."
"Don't say that love" Jamie said softly.
"But" I smiled again through my tears, "I did feel a lot better before leaving him for good."
Jamie looked questioningly again.
"I threw all his stuff out the window. I mean, everything." Jamie laughed.
"Ugh, that did feel good, I'm telling you" I laughed lightly as Jamie wiped my tears.
"It's going to be okay sweetheart" he simply said, smiling.
"Ugh, enough of this now" I wiped my tears and sipped on some wine again. "Come on, tell me about you. What's up with your music? Tell me everything" I said.
We talked almost all night long, and it surely felt like home now.

The next morning I woke up late; I was still a bit tired, but felt a lot better after having talked to my friend. Jamie was in the kitchen, making some coffee.
"Hey love" he kissed my forehead as I approached.
"So, what are we doing today??" he asked as I poured some coffee for us both.
"Aren't you supposed to get ready for Brazil?"
"Ah yes, but everything is almost ready! I mean, I haven't packed yet, but everything else is ready" he giggled. "And we're leaving tomorrow night so I'll have time. Come on, tell me, what do you want to do? You've been away for long!"
"I have no problem, really" I smiled. "I just love being here."
At that moment Jamie's phone buzzed.
"Ah it's Joe!" he smiled reading the message. "He's inviting us for dinner tonight. Are you up for it?"
"He's inviting me as well??"
"Of course darling!"
"Oh, well, alright, why not? He seems very nice and cool."
"He is, I told you" Jamie smiled again, picking up the phone to answer to Joe.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"His place" Jamie replied as he was writing the message.

I spent the next hours catching up on my work a little, I made lunch, Jamie went out to run some errands and as the afternoon came I took a shower and started preparing for dinner at Joe's house. I felt a little uneasy for some reason, mostly because I couldn't find what to wear. When Jamie came back home he found me searching through my suitcases, murmuring.
"What's happening here dear??" he asked, looking at all my clothes scattered onto the bed, and me trying on a dress and looking at myself it the mirror.
"I have nothing to wear, that's what's happening" I mumbled as I took another dress out of the suitcase.
"Relax dear, it's just dinner with a friend!" Jamie smirked. "It's not a date...yet" he managed to mumble, right before I threw a t-shirt at him, laughing.
"Just joking!" he squealed, waving his hands on the air. "Okay dear, get ready and meet me downtown okay? I have one meeting at 7, so can you come and pick me up at 8ish?"
"Sure" I said, looking at myself in the mirror. I sighed, giving up, as Jamie left again, and I started getting ready.

At about 8.15 Jamie called me. I was ready, waiting for his call, so that I could go and pick him up.
"Change of plans dear" he said. "I haven't finished yet, so you'll have to go at Joe's and I'll meet you there."
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yes, it's just that something's come up with the new album, and we're waiting for the manager to come and.. well, I don't think it will take too long, but I don't want to keep Joe waiting. I'll send you the address, okay?"
"Sure darling, no problem I said, and hung up."

30 minutes later, I was outside Joe's building. I got out of the car, grabbing the bottle of wine I'd bought and walked inside.
I rang the bell of his apartment and,as he opened the door, I felt a slightly bigger excitement that I probably should have.
"Hey!" he smiled widely, opening the door for me to go inside. He closed it and we hugged. "Jamie's coming a little later" I started.
"Yes, I know, he called me" he said, as I gave him the bottle of wine. "There you go" I said. "Real smooth An" I thought as he was thanking me. "You shouldn't have though" he finally said.
"Of course I should" I smiled looking around at his apartment.
It was beautifully decorated, with warm colours and cozy furniture. "It's beautiful in here" I said, looking around at the paintings on the walls. Soft music was playing and I could smell something delicious.
"Thank you" he said, taking my jacket and leading me to the kitchen/dining room. I did feel a bit shy, as always, being there with someone I'd only met the day before, but he made it better in a couple of minutes.
"Here, take a seat" he said showing me the beautiful kitchen island. "Want something to drink?"
"Whatever you're having" I replied, approaching the oven.
"It smells delicious in here" I continued. "You cook?"
"Of course dear," Joe smiled, pouring me some wine. "Here" he said, handing me the glass. "Cheers" I said and we sipped, looking at each other for some seconds. He finally broke the eye contact, going back to the cooking.
"Everything's almost ready" he said as I sat on one of the stools. "Make yourself at home" he smiled again. That man's smile.
"Can I do anything?" I asked.
"No no, everything's under control, thank you."
20 minutes later, and as we were chit-chatting and sipping on our wine, my phone rang; it was Jamie.
"Hey, darling, I'm so sorry, I can't make it after all" he said, anxiously. "Something's come up and I need to stay here and talk it through and- ugh I'm so sorry dear" he sounded really worried.
"It's okay love, don't worry" I tried to calm him down. "Can we do something?"
"No, it's under control, hopefully. I just have to settle this before I leave for Brazil and ugh. I'm sorry."
"No problem dear, it's okay. Just call us if you need anything, okay?"

I hung up and Joe looked at me questioningly. I explained to him what Jamie had told me.
"Oh, that's a pity" he sighed. "But, more food for us!" he exclaimed, winking at me. I smiled.

So there we were, the two of us, at his house, having dinner.

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