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Dazai and Fyodor had suddenly been teleported to an unknown place, it still looked like they were in Japan but the people looked funny, some of them had extra limbs and extraordinary skin colors!

"What a strange place! Don't you think so, Fedya?" Dazai said looking at Fyodor, his hand holding the other's cold hand.

"да, it is quiet strange to see people with such bright skin colors.." Fyodor answered, looking around their new surroundings

"We should probably ask where we are, hm? Such a new strange place, maybe theres new ways i could try to commit suicide!"

As they walked together, Dazai still held Fyodor's hand because if Fyodor touched any of these people they would die on the spot! And Fyodor's cold hands are so pleasant to Dazai, so he indulged himself a little bit.

Then, they found themselves in a mall. They had some money on them so they should probably buy some food and water, so they don't starve and dehydrate

"Fedya! Let's go there!" Dazai pointed at a bakeshop, they had a bunch of different breads and cakes!

"Mn" Fyodor answered and he let himself be dragged by Dazai to the bakeshop.

"These all look so delicious! Fedya pick one!" Dazai smiled as he looked at Fyodor who was concentrating too much on the bread..

"Uhh, Fedya are you alright? You're kinda concentrated on the bread too much.."

"I'll pick that one." Fyodor then snapped out of his concentration as he pointed at a normal loaf of bread.

Well that was a little bit too much concentration just for you to pick a normal loaf of bread, Fedya!

Dazai sighed as he looked at the guy who was selling the bread and asked if he could buy the loaf of bread.

And so, when they got their loaf of bread they split it in two and started eating it, they did not once ever disconnect their hands.

Of course they didnt forget to ask about where they were and the man from the bakeshop said they were in Musutafu Japan

It is very interesting how they ended up teleporting in another city, aha.

They should probably ask around some more to get more and more information.

"What a strange place! Right, Fedya?" Where stories live. Discover now