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This is where it might get a little stupid, sorry.

When they got to the police station the policeman asked questions on where their parents were and other stuff he couldnt care about, and Dazai was starting to get annoyed with all the questions

"This is so stupid, why can't they just let us go already!" Dazai said, petulant as ever

"Mn." Fyodor said, looking infront of them as the police officer and the so called underground hero were talking

"Alright, i talked with the police officer and seems like you both dont have a place to stay. He suggested i take both of you in my custody in the meantime until we get you to your parents." The sleep-deprived man said, looking at both of them.

"No way! We're not going with a strangers house! Maybe you tricked the officer to give you custody of us so you can murder us in your house!" Dazai protested, squeezing Fyodor's hand yet again

The Sleep-deprived man just stared dead-panned at him, he knows that hes just a stranger to both these children but he's tryna help them right now

Fyodor looked at Dazai and Dazai stared back at him and it seemed to be that they were having a telephatic conversation?

"Hmph! I cant believe Fedya actually agrees with going with you! But, if Fedya agrees with going then i'll go as well.. But dont you dare try anything!" Dazai said, glaring slightly at the man

"Yea, yea kid, i won't try anything, dont worry." He said as he turned around to get out of the police station, waving his hand, gesturing for them to follow him.

Dazai hmphed and got off the chair and so did Fyodor, and they followed the man out the door and back to his house.

"What a strange place! Right, Fedya?" Where stories live. Discover now