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Aizawa walked along the sidewalk as the two boys were behind him, probably not a good idea making children walk from behind because who knows what kind of danger is out at night right now.

But, it seemed like the two of them wouldn't go infront just because he asked, the brunette seemed to only listen to the other boy with the white fluffy hat.

He didnt even get their names yet, damn he sucks at this.. Look, he isnt good with kids, all he knows is they need to eat, bathe and sleep like a normal human.

When they finally arrived at his house he grabbed his keys from his pocket and opened the door, when he did they heared a meow

Right, his cat, he forgot because he was so caught up about the kids he had to bring home

The cat hissed at the two boys since it didnt know who they were, so it mustve assumed that they were intruders

Aizawa kneeled down and patted his cat and then lifted it up and carried it to the couch, he set down the cat and turned around to the boys.

"Alright, lets get you both settled. Theres a spare bedroom down the hall and the bathroom is on the left, im sure you both dont have a problem with sharing a bed, right?" Aizawa said, as he looked at both of them, their hands still intertwined.

"Mhm! Me and Fedya can share a bed!" Dazai beemed at what Aizawa said and nodded his head fervently, his Fedya was top priority! Of course he would stay by his side forever and ever.

Fyodor just nodded, looking blankly at Aizawa, jeez this kid was impassive..

Anyway, he was pretty sure these kids haven't ate yet, so he decided to go to the kitchen but before that he told both of them to wait on the couch and watch TV or something.

"Fedya! Do you wanna pet the cat aswell?? He's very fluffy!!" Dazai sais as he enthusiastically petted the cat while still holding Fyodor's hand.

Fyodor looked at the cat and it looked back at him, it seemed like they were having an intense staring contest.

Dazai's sweatdropped, as he looked at them both and decided to put an end to the seemingly never ending staring contest.

"Fedya do you wanna pet it or not and please stop the staring contest..." Dazai said but murmured the last part, and it seemed that both the cat and Fedya were snapped out of their trance

"Mn.. i'll pass." Fyodor said as he looked at the TV that was showing the news, there was nothing really worth listening.

"Oi, children come in here! foods ready!" Aizawa shouted from the kitchen as he put a plate down, the food's aroma was ok, hes not that much of a cook but he thinks he did alright.

Both of them came in the kitchen as they both looked at the food with hungry eyes, well Dazai was the one really showing it, Fyodor still looked expressionless but his eyes had a small hint of hunger.

"Go wash your hands and dry them and then you can eat."

And with that, they both went to the sink and washed their hands, and they both finally let go of ones hands. But after they were done washing, they immediately held hands again.

Aizawa didnt know why they both held hands so much, but he wasnt gonna verbally question it.

After they were done eating, Aizawa had noticed that he didnt have kids clothes. Fuck. He should probably buy some since these two were gonna live with him temporarily, he needs to find some clothes that can probably fit them right now.

He then got up and set his plate in the dishwasher and went to his bedroom, he shuffled through his closet and found some old clothes he had when he was a child

'This could probably fit them' Aizawa thought as he folded the clothes and set them down on his bed.

Aizawa had told both of them to go shower when they were done eating as he went into the spare bedroom with some folded clothes and set them down on the bed.

When both of them were done showering, they tried on the clothes amd they fit quiet well but were a little big but still fit well.

And that concludes the first night.

This was just a really boring chapter, sorry. I'll make it interesting soon, maybe, dont worry.

"What a strange place! Right, Fedya?" Where stories live. Discover now