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Fyodor wasn't quite sure what Dazai was thinking. They were following a villain, the one they had seen on the TV earlier and he is pretty sure Dazai knew that. So then why were they following him? Was it because his дорогой was seeking entertainment perhaps? It has been quite dull in that scruffy man's house back where they were both supposed to be in, but was following a villain really good?

No, it probably was not but he won't complain anymore. If his дорогой wanted to follow this man then so be it, he will follow along with him and if they run into trouble with the.. erm what was their group named again,? tsk, such a stupid name he couldn't even remember it. Whatever, if they run into trouble with the burnt man's group Fyodor will handle them himself, although he knows Dazai can also protect himself but he'd rather not risk his angel's poor health and weak body. Even though he himself also has a weak body.. but that doesn't matter.

Well, back to the situation at hand as Fyodor snapped out of his thoughts Dazai had come to a stop, he looked around and in front of them was a bar. Dazai looked quite excited to be going to a bar but Fyodor doubts they are here for a drink, the burnt man, Dabi his mind reminds, leads them both inside. When they got inside there were two others and some kind of mist man, the pale blue haired man with the chapped lips they had seen on TV, the leader his mind helpfully supplies again and he was playing on a game console and he seemed to be losing if the expression on his face was something to go by and a blonde girl that was blushing who seems to be babbling about something to the mist man, while said mist man was cleaning some cups, listening to the blonde girl go on and on about something.

"Yo, I brought some kids cus they seemed to be lost." Dabi says as he plops down on one of the bar stools, just a few seats away from the blonde girl, the chapped lips man stopped playing as the words GAME OVER came up on screen and he slowly turned to face Dabi.

"WHAT THE HELL!? DABI WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU BRING CHILDREN TO OUR HIDEOUT?!" The chapped lips man yelled as he almost throws his game controller, his red eyes looking furiously at Dabi then at the kids he brought who both just stood there, Dazai had a happy grin on his face and was looking around the bar while Fyodor looked a little bit annoyed by his yelling.

"Awww they're so cute!!" The blonde haired girl cooed as she jumped from her bar stool going over to them, Fyodor doesn't know why she used the term 'cute' for two children that looked sick and malnourished but whatever, she had a bubbly attitude and it shows when she skipped her way to the children then she started poking Dazai's cheek as she kept cooing how he's so cute and Dazai just takes it as he smiles widely his teeth showing, Fyodor also found that cute even though he knew Dazai meant for the smile to be menacing but it didn't really rub off that way.

"DABI GET THEM OUT OF HERE! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?! THEY MIGHT TELL SOMEONE WERE HERE YOU FUCKIN' ASS!" The blue haired man continues yelling at Dabi as the man just sips the drink mist man had passed him, he then puts down the drink and looks at his furious friend

"Look Shigaraki, they're both like just lil kids they aren't gonna do shit. I only brought them here cus they wanted to come with me, not my fault that they didnt wanna be dropped off at the police station.." Dabi's words came out with a sly tone as he shrugged Shigaraki off, like he gave the kiddos an option and they went with him not his fault they didn't like to be at the police station.

"Hey!! Don't underestimate me and Fedya mister! We can definitely do something!" Dazai said puffing out his cheeks petulantly at being underestimated like that, the blonde girl coos more as her eyes seemed to have stars in them seeing the cuteness of this kid, Fyodor sighs as he opens up his bible and reads what he last bookmarked. Dabi rolled his eyes at Dazai who blew a raspberry at him and crossed his arms looking away from them, he couldn't believe this! They weren't taking him seriously, maybe it's because he's a child but still, even if he is a child he can definitely one up one of them at least..

"You're so adorable!! What're your names?!" Blonde girl squealed as she couldn't handle it anymore, Dazai looked at her, his arms still crossed and opened his mouth to answer

"My name is Dazai Osamu and this is my best friend, Fyodor Dostoyevsky! And who might you be..?" Dazai asked as he stared at her with an eyebrow raised, Fyodor squeezed Dazai's hand for just revealing both of their names but he ignores the other, opting to know who this blonde girl that keeps cooing at him is.

"Well, my name is Toga Himiko! Its nice to meet you Dazai-kun and Fyodor-kun!! You can call me Toga-nii though, eheh!" Toga happily introduces herself as she giggles at the both of them, Fyodor frowns a little but not looking up from his book, he is definitely not calling her that. They could hear Shigaraki groan loudly in the back as he exasperatedly went back to his game, he didn't give a shit anymore, fuck Dabi and fuck Toga because it seems like they didnt give a shit that two completely random kids were in their goddamn hideout!

"Dabi, do you really think it was a good idea to bring both of these children here?" Mist man, Kurogiri, asks Dabi who was drinking the whiskey he was given. "Eh.. the bandaged kid didn't wanna go to the police station and just followed me, the one wearing the hat though didn't really have a say in it,, plus it's not like they're gonna tell anyone. I even asked them where their parents were, the bandaged one, Dazai, kept dodging the question so i'm assuming they ran away or somethin" he says as he finished the whiskey and set it on the table for a refill. Kurogiri refilled it and turned to look at the children.

Dazai was trying to prove that he wasn't cute to Toga but instead menacing, but Toga just kept cooing at him and squishing his cheeks and the bandaged boy almost bit her because she wouldn't stop while Fyodor was peacefully reading his bible, undisturbed although he was quiet annoyed by Toga because she kept annoying his дорогой. Their hands still intertwined seemingly not loosening their grip.

Kurogiri was quite curious on why they were holding their hands, he can just shake it off as them just not wanting to let the other go but he thinks there's something more to it. Oh well, they're both just children so it must not be that important and they just want to hold hands together, that's what best friends usually do, no? He goes back to cleaning the cups.

lol sorry idk what im doing💀💀 i shouldve started with Aizawa's POV but like i ddint wanna cus i wouldve been bored asf writing it so i just wrong Dazai and Fyodor's POV first, so yeh thas it and yey u didnt have to wait for a month for an update woo!!

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