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Y/n POV:

I felt someone's presence behind me but I decide not to react. Something has been placed in my pocket. I hear the footsteps getting fainter and decide to reach for the item that I have recieved. It's a note. I open it only to find a message. It was very suspicious but I wanted to find out what will happend if I go. I know well how to protect myself so I'm capable of fighting someone. I lightly nudge him and he wakes up. "C'mon sleepy head you can sleep in bed." I chuckle and help him get up. He had dried tears on his cheeks. I caress his cheek,wiping them away. A smile appears on his face, making my heart melt. He grabs my hand and we head to his cottage. After arriving there he throws himself on the bed and immediately falls asleep. I sit next to him investigating the note. 'Is she looking for a fight?' I think, a creepy smirk popping on my face. I get up and walk out the door to find Akane. I see her near the pool talking to coach Nekomaru. I walk over and greet them. "Hello Akane,Nekomaru!" "Y/N!!" Akane screams and runs to hug me. I hug back and pull away. "We might need to cancel the fight for today." I say looking at her. She frowns and asks why. "Well I'm a bit busy this afternoon" She nods. "That's alright! We can go fighting later!" She replies with a big smile on her face. I laugh and nod in agreement. I say goodbye and leave to go to the diner's parking lot.

I arrive there only to be greeted by my old friend Peko Pekoyama. "You're very stupid. Has anyone told you that?" She smirks. "It's all going to plan". I look at her confused, trying to understand what she said. "You have gotten on my nerves lately. Always with my Young Master everywhere. I'm sick of it. And that's why I decided that it's better for us to fight over him. May the best one win." She ends her sayings, taking her katana out. "Let's see what you've got!" I got a bit frustrated but I'm not gonna lay around. I rush towards her only for her to be dodging. I slide down and grab her leg making her trip. I was holding her hands at her back, reloading my deagle with bullets. I aim the gun to her head and giggle a maniac laugh. She struggles to get out of my grip which made me feel powerfull. "My oh my! How are you considered a protecter if you got yourself in an easy situation like this! You really are pathetic!" I laugh.

"Y/n!" I heard my name from the other direction. I turn my head to see that Fuyuhiko was standing there breathless and angry. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING Y/N! WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SWEET Y/N I KNOW? YOU'RE NOT YOU ANYMORE. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO PEKO! WHY?"he screams his lungs out letting the tears drip. My grip has gotten lighter. "Fuyuhiko I-". I felt myself getting flicked off and Peko stabbing me in the chest with her katana. Blood started flowing on the ground making it a bright shade of pink. I chould see Peko smile a psychopathic smile after that I fell unconscious leaving me rot in the parking lot.

A/n: Too violent? I hope not. I'm sorry for not posting, I don't feel motivated at all but for you guys I can still upload. I hope you enjoyed this one. Not much effort but meh. Thanks for reading and cya in the next chapter. Peacee!


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