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Livvys POV:

I wake up at 6:00AM sharp,I walk into the bathroom and start brushing my teeth, I HATE brushing my teeth before i eat but i have to for school, my mum says it's 'sanitary'. I look through my closet wondering where my school unicorn is,I look around and there it is, hanging near my bedside. How could i be so blind? I struggle to put my tie on, I was there for atleast 5 minutes trying to get it on.

i'm just gonna skip getting ready cause it's boring af

I run down the stairs into the kitchen, For the past few days i've been home alone since my parents work at the post office and have to deliver stuff to different areas ( idk if that makes sense). I open the cabinet and toast up waffles, i slapped some butter on it and put it in my mouth. I get my school shoes on, locked the door and rode my bike. It was 6:45AM now, school started at 7:30AM. I don't know why but i love getting to school early. I arrive at school at 7:00AM on the dot and sit in my arranged seat in form. I take my headphones out of my pocket and plug them into my phone, music is basically my therapy. I grab my book out and start doodling anime characters, I never really thought of myself as an artist but in my opinion my art is pretty good. The time flies by fast,before i knew it there were many people in the classroom. Someone sits next to me, it's my best friend Niomi, I take my headphones off, 'Hey Manky, what are you drawing?' I smile at her and say 'Junko Ennoshima, you wouldn't know her Manky.' *bring bring bring ring ring* The bell went off, Niomi went back too her normal seat and i went back to drawing, the teacher walks in and starts talking, i cant be asked to listen to her so i put in my headphones again. A few minutes later, I hear the door opening. 'Ah! 'This is the new student, Kai Smith. Everyone be nice! May you introduce yourself?' 'I'm Kai uh i guess i like collecting stuff.' I look up from my book,we make eye contact. Was i really falling in love? I look back down quickly and start drawing again. 'Ok Kai, May you sit by Livvy?' She points at me and he walks closer and closer, He sat next to me,I didn't want to talk to him but he greeted me, I couldn't ignore him so I just looked up and smiled, The bell rings again meaning it was time for first period, I walk out of the classroom and Kai follows me. The first lesson was History, it was of my favourite lessons, but all i could think of is if Kai had to sit by me, there was a spare seat next to me. He walked into the classroom and looked around,It was a little awkward so i decided to do the most stupid thing ever. 'Wanna come sit by me Kai?' I INSTANTLY regretted it, what if he says no? I was so embarrassed at myself. He walked up to me and sat down, 'Thank you, uh?' He forgot my name, I laugh and say 'Livvy but you can call me Liv.' He smiles and puts his bag down. History is longer than usual, Kai is the only thing on my mind. I can't concentrate and I can't work on my project, It's like hell, but i cant help it. Finally after what feels like years, The bell goes and i walk to my next period. Kai is the only thing on my mind all day, what is this feeling? Its like, i get butterflies in my stomach everytime i'm near him. Even Niomi has noticed, she's being stupid and is going on and on about 'shipping kaivy' shes so annoying sometimes.

[word count: 674]

Kai My Love<3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora