the park

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Kai's POV:

I was in my bedroom cleaning up my room until i heard a ping, it was on snapchat. Niomi had asked me to hang out with her and this other girl in the park, Im a little sceptical about hanging out with people i dont know, but if niomi asked i would. Me and Niomi met a week ago but when we met, I felt like she was special. Not in a romantic way, shes like my sister. I agree to go to the park with Niomi, I asked my mom to drive me there, Finally i was at the park. I saw niomi with this girl so i assumed it was the 'Maddie' girl. She was very pretty. I walk up to them and they both say hello to me, I sit down on the floor and i guess talked to them about stuff, It was kind of annoying though cause i was just third wheeling the whole time. Until She showed up, Im not sure if i should be happy or confused, She showed up randomly. Like don't get me wrong, im glad she's here. 'Hi guys' I smile and look away, She gets onto the swings, A few seconds later I do the same. I start swinging awkwardly, 'September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary, I believe i'm a good person. You know, i think theres good in everyone but, here we are...!' Its a faded sound but its clear enough for me to make out what its saying, I look at Livvy. It's her headphones, they're blasting in her ears, I think to myself 'wont that make your eardrums pop?' Im worried but, I only say 'You like The Heathers too?' She takes her headphones off and replies with, 'yeah it's my favourite musical.' 'me too!' I say. Suddenly I start coughing, I look down and there i see Maddie v-ping. My lungs are dead af so i start coughing like CRAZY.  'Hey, are you ok?' Livvy asks me. I dont respond, Maddie stops v-ping (like jeeezzz finally), I can finally breathe properly again. I reply to Livvy saying, 'sorry, Maddie was v-ping and the smoke went up my nose but im fine now'  A few hours past, me and Livvy are talking more, we actually have alot in common! A few hours later i have to go home, 'This was the funnest night i've had in years.' I think to myself. I hop into my mums car, I tell her about my awesome night.

[word count:425]

-max 🤭

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