the sleepover

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Livvys POV:

Dear Diary,
      Its been atleast a month or so since the park, Were INSEPARABLE. Today im sleeping over Kai's house, Maddie and Niomi will be there too, not for the sleepover though. They would be kissing 24/7 😐 Im super excited though, Its going to be so fun! I hope we stay up allllllllll night, anyways Im gonna go pack my bags to go to Kai's house! I cant waste anymore time, bye bye.

Signed, Liv >∀<

I pack my bags and run downstairs, 'Bye mom bye Scott' 'have fun liv' My mum kisses me on my forehead before i leave, I get on my bike and ride to his house. I didnt walk because he lives 10 minutes away meaning I would have to walk for atleast 40-50 minutes. I finally arrive, I put my bike on his front garden and knock on the door, Niomi opens it. 'MANKYYYYYYY' We do our handshake and walk inside. 'Uhm excuse me, your playing minecraft? WITHOUT ME??' Maddie laughs and says  'your fault you were late slowpoke!' 'Ok but seriously, how could you play without me....' I pretend to cry but I can't help laughing. I sit down next to Kai and open my phone, I touch on the minecraft app and we play for hours and hours! We played soooo many games. It was time for Niomi and Maddie to leave though, We said our goodbyes and me and Kai continued on minecraft, it was so fun, I never want to leave. ever. It was 1:50AM, I was getting tired and so was he. We both agreed it was time to sleep,I walked into the bathroom and put on my pjs. I walk out, expecting him to be changed already. He. was. shirtless. I'm redder than a tomato, It was like I ate a hot chilli pepper in summer and it was 400 Degrees. 'HOLY SHI- I AM SO SORRY KAI' I run back into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror embarrassed. I could control my feelings for Kai, but i couldnt take it anymore, He was the love of my life.  I walked out of the bathroom and said 'Hey Kai?' He replied 'whats up liv?' 'you know i love being with you right?' 'yeah ofcourse i do, your my best friend!' 'so.. can i kiss you..?' He looked at me like he saw a ghost, 'sorry, i dont wanna scare you..was i too straightforward with all this?' 'oh, no dont worry about it!' he laughs it off, I was being a total idiot. I wish i didn't say those words but i had to or else i would of died physically and mentally. I walk up to him and look him in the eyes, we make eye contact for a second, before i knew it I was making out with the hottest guy in Fordson High School. (i cant be asked to make the kiss each other) 'sorry, did i take it too far?' Kai says, 'oh no haha don't worry!' 'well uh good night liv' 'goodnight sexy beast' I giggle, I can hear him trying not to laugh, Its 2:30AM. We should be asleep by now but i love his company, so so much.

[word count: 548]

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