bedroom thoughts

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Livvys POV:

Dear Diary,
        Its been atleast a week since i first met Kai, i keep thinking about him. He's been the only thing on my mind, i think it's getting kind of unhealthy, but to be completely honest i've never felt this way for anyone before, ofcourse i've dated people but he's i guess, different. He makes me feel a certain way that i can't clearly describe, well i dont really have much to say cause i have no social life.

love, liv<3 '・ᴗ・'

I sigh, I close my diary and put it under my bed, I then open my phone and start scrolling through twitter, I find a tweet saying '5 signs your inlove' it was a link to a youtube video, i lie down in my bed and slowly clicked onto the video. It was so accurate to my feelings about Kai i almost had a heart attack, I was going to explode right then and there. I was just staring at my phone like a maniac, I am DEFINITELY inlove. In my opinion he is the hottest guy in the school, he has a awesome personality, his style is just AKSKDKAKXJAHAHA. I screamed so loud I even scared myself. Then suddenly I get a text from my best friend.

Manky 😘: goodnight kai lover, love you to bits but your MANKY ASFFFF


      Manky 😘: i'm up the park with Maddie come join us

Livvy: ok manky see u in 5 minutes 🤭🤭

                                                  Manky 😘: btw kai's here

Livvy: oh hell no im not going to the park u fucker 😐

                                           Manky 😘: suit urself hoe 😒

'would it really hurt to see kai again?' I mumble to myself. I think for a while, There are a lot of cons, what if i trip up while walking to Niomi and Maddie? what if he thinks i'm a loser? I could accidentally stare at him for too long and embarrass myself. I'm overthinking too much, I got up, grabbed my phone and left the house. If Kai wasn't actually there and Niomi was just teasing me, im gonna fucking kill her. I plug in my headphones and listen to 'Should i stay or should I go', I finally arrive at the park a few minutes later. I see Niomi, Maddie and Kai talking to each other near the swings. I walk up to them and say 'Hi guys', I look down because I'm blushing like crazy, his outfit suits him so much and It looks great on him. Its casual but cute,HE'S cute. 'LIVVY!' 'sorry i zoned out' 'yeah no shit sherlock!' Maddie and Niomi laugh, I sit down on one of the swings and start swinging. Maddie and Niomi start talking about  boys, Kai hops onto the swing next to me and starts swinging too. My music was blasting in my ears but i could hear everything that was going on around me, the birds, the wind, Niomi and Maddie talking about which boy they would smash and which boy they would pass. I was listening to the heathers 'Beautiful' song. 'You like The Heathers too?' Kai asks me, I take my headphones off and reply, 'yeah it's my favourite musical.' 'me too!' we talk a lot more, i found out that we have ALOT in common. I hear coughing,I look up at Kai, He was coughing like crazy. 'Hey, are you ok?' He doesnt reply, Maddie and Niomi look up. He stops coughing then and says back to me, 'sorry, Maddie was v-ping and the smoke (idk what its called 💀) went up my nose but im fine now' I glare at Maddie.

[Few hours later]

Kai and Niomi have gone home now, It was time for Maddie to leave too so we said our goodbyes, but before she left i flipped her off for making Kai choke. We both laughed and left the park, that was one of the best days in my life. I walked back home, It was sunset time and the sky was so pretty, It reminded me of Kai.

[word count: 690]

sorry this is kinda short 😭

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